You know that you are liberated by the truth, for
when you have access to pure knowledge, pure understanding, and the vital facts of life, these provide the
impetus and the foundation for right choices in your
lives. When you do not have access to what is real, then
often what you desire and what comes to fruition and
fulfillment in your life are based on unreality. They are
based on what a society, a civilization is attempting to
have you believe and accept, which, unfortunately, is
not of the highest order, is not the source of the grace of
God, the love of God, the Presence of God.
In your meditations and times of silence early in
the morning, allow the light of truth to speak to your
Higher Mind, abide within your being, and even be
translated to your outer waking consciousness. Live in
the light of truth. By the power of your Higher Self,
verify what comes to you as intuition and inspiration
from within your heart to be fulfilled in your life daily.
— Hilarion, March 6, 2014