You are all composers in one sense, for the words
that you speak are composed by your mind and hopefully your heart and soul. As you express your gifts and
your talents, what you compose and offer to the world as
a freewill and loving gift of yourself may edify, bless,
and raise others. Move forward in co-creativity—beyond the constraints of what you may have heretofore
felt was the standard, the norm, the acceptable—to
experiment with divine light and sound, even the
soundless sound in the unknown regions of light, color,
and vibration. Draw forth Aquarian manifestations of
holy love into your world for the benefit of sentient
beings. Through noncompliance with the human ego
and through alignment with a new reality, a new you is
born each day, and God provides through you an
inspired life of joy, divine happiness, and peace.
— Lady Edelweiss, July 9, 2013