Beloved Hearts of Fire,
I come, emanating cosmic rays of illumination’s flame from the mind of God, vouchsafed to me and now extended to you in currents of golden liquid light.
It has been quite some time, dearest ones, since I have shared from my heart the workings of the Spirit with devotees of the flame. For Clare de Lis and I have been very busy preparing, both in the retreat of the Elohim Apollo and Lumina over Germany and at the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru over Lake Titicaca, for the great initiatory conveyance of fire from the heart of the manus of the sixth root race that will occur, as you have heard from them, on December 21, 2012.
There has been an acceleration of our own training so that we may fit the bill, so that we may put on the great shoes of light in the holy office as the new directors of this sacred retreat of the Brotherhood. And so there are many things that we have had to learn. And even as I began this training after my ascension, so much of this conveyance was extended to Elizabeth, your own Mother, during the time of her last years upon earth in higher octaves. For you see, blessed ones, it was our plan all along that she would have these ten years or so to focus fully on the spiritual world in preparation for this initiation and transfer of light.
It is with great joy that I come to you and offer my heart this day. As you have studied the nation of Germany in your session today, there is much that I could convey of the import of this nation for the destiny of Europe. Suffice it to say that since the retreat of the Elohim and my own retreat are within this nation, you can surmise the golden flame of illumination, so necessary to the enlightenment of mankind, blazes forth from above this nation as a beacon of light, drawing by the power of the sacred fire many who are ready for higher education on a spiritual path, who are ready to receive the impetus of sacred light-energies to illumine their minds by Buddhic awareness and to move them fully into position to take up their own holy office as students, as disciples of the Word, of that Logoic light that must come forth for earth to rise into its own higher domain of pure beingness as a free star in the heavens, as a planet of golden-pink light.
Yes, dearest ones, I did release those thirty-three spirals of light through this messenger early on in this dispensation.¹ Each spiral was an initiation of light embedded within the heart and mind of this one to allow for a complete transformation of beingness in order that he could receive those divine currents of God-wisdom, God-power and God-love; in order that we could extend the reach of our initial dispensation through this activity unto many more; and in order that initiations could ensue and the golden light of wisdom, through a new opportunity could be brought forth. It was because of an ancient tie of this one with me and with the Divine Mother that we were able to convey the transfer of light and thus insure the continuance of the release of the ascended masters’ teachings.
And so you have seen in these six years great teaching coming forth that augments that which we released while in embodiment. And you will continue to see, blessed ones, a further increase of the concentration of light through the HeartStreams given within this dispensation, which are essential to all that the Universal Brotherhood desires to manifest and bring forth for the advancement of this age and for the golden-crystal age of Aquarius to emerge.
Each and every one of you is essential in this process and may take up the proffered gift that we offer as you partake of the dynamics of the Brotherhood’s plan through their teachings and through many offerings of the Spirit that come in many ways, both directly to you in your own spiritual practices as well as through the conveyances of Meru University and all that we release. Yes, dearest ones, it is essential that each of you realize your import to the Brotherhood, step forth and proclaim the victory of light within your heart and mind and do what is essential for you to fulfill your own destiny. And therefore because there had been the dissolution of much of the energy field of our own dispensation through a number of anomalies, it was essential that this new opportunity come forth for many to be emboldened once again to take up their holy office of light, to serve in direct ways with us and to begin again the initiatic cycles of light across the earth.
Some of you are planning for the return of the messenger to Scandinavia next year. Call to me and to Clare de Lis for clarity on the plan. For we will assist you, dearest ones, under the sponsorship of the Lord Sanat Kumara, who always is there to guide, guard and direct you who serve within those nations, as is the Great Divine Director and the beautiful and holy Queen of Light. For you see, each and every pilgrimage and the coming of the Word through this one is essential to the ongoingness of our great God-plan, as you have heard from the Great Divine Director himself. And the carpet of light crisscrossing across Europe is building week by week as you engage in the holy offering of your prayers to wash Europe in crystal light. And I proclaim again unto you that you are making great inroads as a result of this discipline and this ritual. And we again congratulate and applaud those of you who set aside time each week to offer your hearts, your beings and your very vital life force unto us in the sending forth of these cosmic rays into the nations.
As you meditate upon the geography, the history, the culture of these nations and raise your hands as you focus that light of the secret rays through your being, blessed ones, thousands of angels of light gather round about you and are obedient to the word of the sons and daughters of God who stand forth, one with the Source, to engage heaven in this sacred activity. For those of you who have not fully engaged, I invite you once again to consider the great possibility of the advancement of your own soul on the initiatic path and for the gaining of great God-attainment as the light is lowered through your chakras and through your hearts to be suffused and infused across and within all of Europe.
Blessed ones, there is no greater activity that you can engage in in karma balancing and in working the works of God upon earth than this activity with your holy brothers and sisters, I say. And when many more of you determine to lend the resources of your spirit to this activity, you will see an even greater upsurge of the light, a resurrection of the economies and an adjustment of many cycles of activity such that within a few short years you will be amazed to see the cosmic results of what you have offered unto the universe manifest in form.
O holy ones of God, I embrace each and every one of you as a brother, a sister of light. It is so important that you realize your potential and determine once again that you will strive with us to secure your position in the heavens as an ascended one at the close of this embodiment. Chart your own course and the ascendency of your soul, and feel the impulse and the light rays descending through the chalice of your being and the magnanimity of your own heart as you call to me, you sing to me, you give the prayers that mention my name, one and all, and especially those that call to my magnanimous heart. For I am always there when you are heart-centered. For this is my office as the Magnanimous Heart for the earth in this age: to assist souls—whether they know of this dispensation or not—who are determined to be heart-centered and to fulfill the flame of God-love within their lives by whatever means and through whatever path.
O holy ones, I charge this earth with sacred fire and crystal light from my own causal body! For I have been garnering of late resources from the Central Sun, as they have been vouchsafed to your own Mother and me in these many months and years. And so you will see the results of this sacred activity on that notable day.²
And I pray that many of you will determine even now to save your resources and to make that trek to Titicaca. For you see, blessed ones, those who do will receive a specific portion of our own mantle of light in those environs. And this may be just the impetus that you require for your own victory in this life and the fulfillment of your sacred mission. Yes, dearest ones, at times it is required that you be at the right place at the right time. And I say that for those of you who never met me in the flesh, this is your opportunity to feel the physicality of my being with you in those hours, even as you may feel it in this hour as I drench you in my light and my ray.
Yes, I have been saving graces of the Spirit, which I deliver this day, not as a spanking but as truly, dearest ones, an encouragement from every ascended master of heaven. For I speak on behalf of all when I convey through this heart our love for you, our radiance and our determination that you will be victorious in wisdom’s fire.
So I have come, and I am flaming with the light from the Solar Presence of Helios and Vesta and Alpha and Omega. For as many of you have begun to fully engage your own Solar Presence through the sciences of the sun, so I, the Sun King, and others of the ascended ones will give you more and more and more as you are able to hold it, sustain it and expand it unto this world.
Yes, dearest ones, I desired to bring forth in that embodiment in France much of the culture of the Divine Mother.³ I was able to fulfill some, but not all. And I am calling you to in some way anchor within this earth the great solar beingness of the Father-Mother God, the artistry of Venus and the compassion of the Solar Lords such that when you leave this incarnation, trails of fiery God-star substance will continue to descend into this earth as a result of your givingness, your own passion for the light and your desire to serve, as a holy one of God, mankind.
I am Lanello—a jolly good fellow to some, a muse to others and a heartfriend to all, ever. I thank you.
1. Lanello released 33 HeartStreams through David in the autumn of 2004, partly as an initiation to test his obedience and constancy while also conveying important instruction on the changes there were essential for the lightbearers to make to insure that they were advancing on the path of light.
2. December 21, 2012--the date some say is the end of the Mayan calendar.
3. The Ascended Master Lanello was embodied as Louis XIV, known as the Sun King.
Copyright © 2012 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
Beloved Ones,
There are holidays and pilgrimages that many of us participate in, and then there are sacred journeys of a lifetime during which the miraculous may be known and experienced, the magical may be known. We invite you to Lake Titicaca and to our pilgrimage to Peru, their mountains and the etheric fastnesses of light in which you will abide in preparation for a great initiation of the Sun.
You would like to enter your Solar Presence and become one with God. You feel the impulses of the sun as you stand in its warming and vivifying rays, often in nature, outside. Think of what it will feel like and be to stand in the very presence of Helios and Vesta as they alight upon Earth tangibly at our retreat and wrap you in the warmth of their love, the fires of illumination, the rays of holy wisdom, which may be yours as you rise on the initiatic path to experience life in a new and glorious way.
We desire to inspire you to make this trek of light to our abode. We desire to nurture your hearts on a daily basis through the ritual that you have just given¹ in order that you may prepare your minds and your hearts, your souls and your spirits for this epochal event at the turning of cycles and the transition of ages, which have been known for eons of time by some who intuited through the movement of the stars in the heavens what would be this particular juncture in time and space whereby mantles will be transferred and great light released.
We have lovingly prepared for this great pilgrimage and event for longer than you have been alive in this embodiment upon Earth. Our training of our initiates began long ago with those whom you have known as Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, now the Ascended Masters Lanello and Clare de Lis. They have worked assiduously toward this day when they could stand in our place and hold a field of divine energy within their beings in order to carry that torch of illumination forward into a new age, so that we could also rise on the initiatic ladder and path unto the Sun, and so that Helios and Vesta themselves, at the appointed time in the cosmic cycles, could also move upward and onward to God-glory in their new office in hierarchy.
Likewise, you have been prepared, each one, through much training over a number of lifetimes. And you are coming to the point on the path where, through all that God has vouchsafed to you as the sacred essences of his mind and her heart, you will also rise on wings of light to engage in a new adventure—a sacred and bountiful journey of light upon earth and into the heaven worlds that you love and cherish so much, where you live and move and have your being within them already in spirit, in consciousness, in your hearts, in your mind’s eye, in your feeling world and deep within your soul.
Yes, this is an adventure of a lifetime, which will take preparation, focus, determination and an understanding of what is at stake for you and for the Earth. When you determine that, come what may in terms of challenges along the way, you will stay true to your focus and your resolve to be there and to receive your particular mantle at its holy offering unto you personally, then we will be happy to welcome you, to bless you, to initiate you and to hold you within our heart’s love fires.
The fount of wisdom, the eternal flame that burns within our retreat, is there for you as a nourishing and nurturing light. It is a living reality, glowing and flowing in an unending stream of beingness from which you may drink and then offer your wisdom, your truth to humanity as a teacher of light, as a sharer of divine knowledge and wisdom.
The purpose of our retreat is to bless life through the archetype of the sixth-age man and woman, who are beautiful, shining with light and holy radiance and who—through the flame of peace, brotherhood, service, ministration and understanding and their examples of kindness, charity and holiness—provide a link to the divine world for those evolving upon Earth. These you are, and therefore you have each qualified internally to be with us through your givingness, through your devotion, through your becoming of your Real Self.
Mark your calendars, set aside the dates, see the abundance that you require as already manifest in your world. Plight your troth to us and endeavor that you will be there with many fellow brothers and sisters of the Sun, those whom you cherish and with whom you came to this Earth to serve to set life free
We are with you. We love you and we seal you within the sunlight of your own eternal Godhood. Thank you.
1. Devotees gave Vesta's Solar Rosary before this HeartStream. It is available in booklet form for $8.95 and in audio form as a CD for $12 through The Hearts Center's online store.
Copyright © 2012 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted, giving credit to the author. Contact us at Send correspondence and contributions PO Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
"Isn’t it true, blessed ones, that when you travel to other cultures and experience something of the divine world within the peoples and the lands that you navigate that an essence of the very suchness of that society enters the atmosphere of your own being, your aura and life? And from that day forward, something of that essence is astir within you and magnifies your own God-mastery such that you, through this experience, may manifest a greater connectedness with all life, with more among mankind who dwell within the various cultures upon this Earth.
And therefore those of you who partake of these pilgrimages and sacred journeys gain great understandings, and the value is more than you can humanly know. For we see the strands of light embedded within your causal body itself that begin to flower from new levels of awareness. As [God] originally seeded [them] within you, [with your attention and devotion] they begin to sprout and grow and flourish within you. So do not discount that which the messenger and the greater entourage of disciples of the Spirit have engaged in within these sacred journeys. For although it takes much of your supply and your time and energies to plan and to participate in these divine adventures, blessed ones, you are participants in the great transformation of the planet itself through your journeys and your time in holiness together."
Master Peter Deunov
Through the Messenger David Christopher Lewis
April 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Santiago, Chile
God Meru's Announcement from Chile of the Lake Titicaca Pilgrimage
From Titicaca’s heights we come, and we invite you on a sacred journey in your finer bodies now to the island of the sun where our hearts abide in great joy to welcome each child of the sun to our retreat. Our angels now escort you, blessed ones, in this sacred journey hand in hand as you rise above Santiago and journey northward in this hour. See the great lake that now appears over the horizon and the sacred jewel within that lake beaming light rays of illumination's flame around the world. As you now descend into our holy abode, one of our ministrants welcomes each one with a bow, the sign of the heart, head and hand and welcomes you to your seat within an amphitheatre of light where my address will now continue.
Dearest hearts, you have heard of the great shift that is occurring upon Earth and of the timeliness of that which the lords of heaven are delivering through cosmic rays in all manner of sacred vibrations that are penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere to touch the hearts of many to turn toward their God. To face the sun—both the physical sun and your own Solar Presence—as well as Helios and Vesta who are coming this day and the Great Central Sun, allows you to receive directly through your attention the great wisdom of presence, of holy beingness and of the eternal light within. Our island of the sun is here for Earth as a cosmic focus of illumination’s flame whereby higher studies may occur within the libraries of heaven and souls may be drawn up into the Spirit through their own higher studies to know the very nature of God, to know the blessedness of the higher domains of light, and to understand both the complexity and the simplicity of God’s eternal nature within all life.
You may think, blessed ones, that the mysteries of God are only for those adepts and souls who have aspired for centuries to glean through the sacred texts of light the higher teachings. And yet I say this day that every soul is worthy to know the eternal truth of beingness through the most simple practices of aligning self with God, attuning to the frequency of the heart and thereby ascending to the divine mind whereby all may be known through presence and by simply allowing the light to flow through the heart and the mind.
One of our practices within our retreat is to teach the sacred art of meditation through a very simple means of silence whereby the solar plexus is stilled, the mind is stilled, and thereby there is a great connection between your own solar plexus with your Solar Source and an avenue of holy golden-liquid light is prepared before you to experience directly from your own higher mind the eternal truths that are revealed one by one as flashes of light in living Technicolor that reveal the truths that you have always desired to know about anything and everything within the universal sphere of God’s being as you are directed to learn these from your own higher mentor and spiritual teacher and director.
You see, blessed ones, within our retreat we have many, as you would say, accomplices in light who attend to your every question and often they answer your queries before you even vocalize them outwardly. For they are experts in reading your vibration and yet gently lead you unto a higher understanding that transcends what is learned in the schools of Earth where our teachings hark back ages and ages to the very beginnings of the universe. And you can even see upon the screen of light within our retreat the histories of civilizations come and gone, the histories of planetary bodies and systems, of star systems and of all that can be known within the context of what is spiritually legal based on your evolution.
There are certain deeper mysteries reserved for those who have fully integrated their beings with God after the ascension, and so some of these teachings are only released to higher adepts. And yet I say, blessed ones, that there is much to be learned that would amaze you and bring you to a greater understanding, primarily for your personal evolutionary plan and course. Thus when you ask to be taken to our retreat, you will see exactly what you see today, you will feel the great impulse of the pulsation of the golden-liquid fountain of light in our retreat, the effervescent energy of the mind of God in action through that eternal flame, and the conveyance of these spiritual essences directly to your heart and mind as you require them.
Standing now at our side are the ascended Lanello and Lady Clare de Lis, your own Mother, who smiles upon you who have known them and who send you directly each one great appreciation for your constancy, your study of their teachings, and your desire to be of service to the ascended hosts in this lifetime.
What we would convey to you today is that what has been called the end of the Mayan calendar December 21, 2012 is the specific date that we are destined to completely pass the torch to Lanello and your Guru Ma, your Clare de Lis, to take up their full office within this retreat as we accede to them and then ascend to other service to Helios and Vesta within the sun itself.
Dearest hearts, in honor of the great celebration of the passing of this torch on this sacred day, we ask that you consider making a pilgrimage directly to our retreat in Titicaca, to be there for two days before this date and to then be ready in your seats as we again will come accompanied by Helios and Vesta to have the full investiture ceremony of the transfer of the mantle from our beings to your own Lanello and Clare de Lis. If you can make this happen, blessed hearts, each and every one of you will be blessed through this experience by a direct transfusion of light that will come through your minds and hearts as you each will also receive a portion of the mantle of Lanello and Clare de Lis that they will transfer to their disciples even as they take up the higher mantle that they will receive.
You see, blessed hearts, whenever one master goes to higher service, it is incumbent upon the one to whom the mantle is offered to in turn divest him or herself of their own mantle to those who have earned the right to bear it. And so there will be a great ceremony of light. And many of you, having prepared your consciousness and your being for many decades and even lifetimes, will be able to bear that which these two will convey at the appropriate hour.
From that point within our retreat where this ceremony will occur, a great influx of solar light will descend from the heart of Helios and Vesta penetrating the Earth deep to its core, and there will be a conflagration of light within the sun of even pressure within the Earth that when triggered will then emanate out through the core, the mantle and the crust of the Earth to effuse itself into the entire atmosphere. And this, blessed ones, will be a great cosmic infusion of this Solar radiance for the ultimate victory of this planet and for higher spirals of divine wisdom to flow such that a golden-crystal age may ensue.
Even now you may feel within your four lower bodies a prescience, a feeling of this future event and what it will mean for you personally as well as for your people and for the entire Earth. Truly, blessed ones, the Mayans saw this event long, long ago and in their own symbology forecast this date and this ceremony such that mankind would be ready for the shift that would occur, for truly this will be a notable date in the cosmic history of this Earth for all to witness who are sensitive to the higher vibrations of the spirit.
Thus we see many pilgrims coming from the four corners of the Earth to Titicaca in that hour led by your messenger from the north, and many of you coming from the south as well as others from the east and west. If there could be one pilgrimage that you all make within this lifetime, blessed hearts, consider this one. For those who have never been to our abode you will be amazed at the great power of illumination’s flame that will be yours to experience and to accept fully into your own Solar being. And this may just be a catalyst for the fulfillment of your highest purpose as teachers and presenters of this age of the universal truths of the Great White Brotherhood upon Earth.
You may even desire to bring a sacred dress or costume symbolic of your own holy office. It will be in a sense almost like a United Nations' ceremony, a true United Nations, whereby representatives of many nations will come representing their people and their country. And the insignia of light upon their breast or within their dress or garment will be indicative of that which they have accentuated throughout all of their lifetimes and now show forth as an emblem of their own light consciousness and Solar awareness for all to see.
We make this announcement here in South America because of its import and such that you may have ample time to prepare, to raise the necessary funds and to support one another in making sure that this particular pilgrimage will be victorious in every way. Through this messenger we will outline the entire plan for this event, the program of HeartStreams and presentations by many of you, including one that would include the transfer of an understanding of the culture of the Bolivian people and of what you can glean from other teachings already presented through various dispensations of the record of the ancient civilization that existed here and that even now in the heaven world abides in one manner through our retreat.
Golden-liquid light flow now through you each one, washing clean your minds, divesting your hearts of all burdens and human cares that do you no good in your evolution. Raise that light, O Helios and Vesta, within them. Allow the frequencies of God’s mind to be permanently invested within theirs such that the higher, theosophic teachings of light may be theirs for the continuous transference from the heart of the sun of illumination's flame and the rays of purity contained therein which lead them directly to the very mind of God.
We are with you blessed ones, and speak often to the hearts and minds of the children. All that we do is for future generations to understand and learn such that generation to generation each new lifestream will receive exactly what he or she requires for their life path through the true teachers of humanity, those who have heart, those who live through their heart, those who emanate true love-wisdom through their own heart/mind connection.
[God Meru inhales then exhales the sacred fire breath.] Scintillating golden light crystallize within the auric fields of these, O Lord. Bring them to the eternal fount, the golden plume and balance their threefold flame forevermore in divine glory.
Now our angels escort you gently back to your bodies here, and as you are fully re-integrated again, blessings from our abode sustain you ever in light.
We thank you for your attention. We thank you for your service to the light always. May the blessings of cosmic Christ peace enfold you in its holy radiance evermore.
Thank you.
Copyright © 2011 The Hearts Center ®. All rights reserved. All messages released through The Hearts Center are copyrighted, but we encourage you to print and share them with discretion with heartfriends throughout the world. Bracketed words have been inserted for greater clarity with the approval of the dictating master. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
“From Titicaca’s heights we come, and we invite you on a sacred journey… Standing now at our side are the ascended Lanello and Lady Clare de Lis, your own Mother, who smiles upon you who have known them and who send you directly each one great appreciation for your constancy, your study of their teachings, and your desire to be of service to the ascended hosts in this lifetime.
What we would convey to you today is that what has been called the end of the Mayan calendar December 21, 2012 is the specific date that we are destined to completely pass the torch to Lanello and your Guru Ma, your Clare de Lis, to take up their full office within this retreat as we accede to them and then ascend to other service to Helios and Vesta within the sun itself.
Dearest hearts, in honor of the great celebration of the passing of this torch on this sacred day, we ask that you consider making a pilgrimage directly to our retreat in Titicaca, to be there for two days before this date and to then be ready in your seats as we again will come accompanied by Helios and Vesta to have the full investiture ceremony of the transfer of the mantle from our beings to your own Lanello and Clare de Lis. If you can make this happen, blessed hearts, each and every one of you will be blessed through this experience by a direct transfusion of light that will come through your minds and hearts as you each will also receive a portion of the mantle of Lanello and Clare de Lis that they will transfer to their disciples even as they take up the higher mantle that they will receive.
You see, blessed hearts, whenever one master goes to higher service, it is incumbent upon the one to whom the mantle is offered to in turn divest him or herself of their own mantle to those who have earned the right to bear it. And so there will be a great ceremony of light, and many of you having prepared your consciousness and your being for many decades and even lifetimes will be able to bear that which these two will convey at the appropriate hour.
From that point within our retreat where this ceremony will occur, a great influx of solar light will descend from the heart of Helios and Vesta penetrating the earth deep to its core, and there will be a conflagration of light within the sun of even pressure within the earth that when triggered will then emanate out through the core, the mantle and the crust of the earth to effuse itself into the entire atmosphere. And this, blessed ones, will be a great cosmic infusion of this solar radiance for the ultimate victory of this planet and for higher spirals of divine wisdom to flow such that a golden-crystal age may ensue.
Even now you may feel within your four lower bodies a prescience, a feeling of this future event and what it will mean for you personally as well as for your people and for the entire earth. Truly, blessed ones, the Mayans saw this event long, long ago and in their own symbology forecast this date and this ceremony such that mankind would be ready for the shift that would occur, for truly this will be a notable date in the cosmic history of this Earth for all to witness who are sensitive to the higher vibrations of the spirit.
Thus we see many pilgrims coming from the four corners of the Earth to Titicaca in that hour led by your messenger from the north, and many of you coming from the south as well as others from the east and west. If there could be one pilgrimage that you all make within this lifetime, blessed hearts, consider this one. For those who have never been to our abode you will be amazed at the great power of illumination’s flame that will be yours to experience and to accept fully into your own Solar being. And this may just be a catalyst for the fulfillment of your highest purpose as teachers and presenters of this age of the universal truths of the Great White Brotherhood upon Earth.
You may even desire to bring a sacred dress or costume symbolic of your own holy office. It will be in a sense almost like a United Nation’s ceremony, a true United Nations whereby representatives of many nations will come representing their people and their country and the insignia of light upon their breast or within their dress or garment will be indicative of that which they have accentuated throughout all of their lifetimes and now show forth as an emblem of their own light consciousness and Solar awareness for all to see.
We make this announcement here in South America because of its import and so that you may have ample time to prepare, to raise the necessary funds and to support one another in making sure that this particular pilgrimage will be victorious in every way. Through this messenger we will outline the entire plan for this event, the program of HeartStreams and presentations by many of you, including one that would include the transfer of an understanding of the culture of the Bolivian people and of what you can glean from other teachings already presented through various dispensations of the record of the ancient civilization that existed here and that even now in the heaven world abides in one manner through our retreat…
[God Meru inhales then exhales the sacred fire breath.] Scintillating golden light crystallize within the auric fields of these, oh Lord. Bring them to the eternal fount, the golden plume and balance their threefold flame forevermore in divine glory.
... We thank you for your service to the light always. May the blessings of cosmic Christ peace enfold you in its holy radiance evermore.
Thank you.”
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