I AM a Buddha being; I live within the One.
God’s light shines ever through me; I’m blazing as a sun!
Gautama is my teacher; Maitreya laughs with me.
Manjushri e’er inspires me. They meditate with me.
I AM a Mother being; I live within the One.
God’s light shines ever through me; I’m blazing as a sun!
--Excerpt from Prayer 20.030 "I AM a Solar Being"
Entering into Stillness with the Buddhas
And now, Gautama introduces a retinue of Buddhas who complement his work in raising the kundalini for the accomplishment of a holy purpose. Oh, bhikkus,8 meet those who have come out of the Great Silence to lend their spiritual momentum, as Above, now below!
Here shines the presence of the Buddha of the Diamond Crystal light.9 See how his grace flows to the Five Dhyani Buddhas, who establish a pentagram mandala of perfected God-virtue emanating the five crystal rays,10 now anchored by Vajrasattva for the sealing of all in the diamond being of the mind of God.
As the Oversoul of each son and daughter of the Most High, centered in their threefold flame11 melds into oneness under the watchful gaze of the Buddha, all supplicants are beatified by an inner knowing that the Buddha-consciousness serves as a bridge of light connecting Earth with the infinitude of the Tushita Heavens.
Gautama Speaks through an Anointed Vessel
“Buddha,” as most know, means “Awakened One.” Our admiration flows to those who achieve enlightenment, Self-realization. And even more admiration flows to those who, upon awakening, dedicate their lives to awakening others. And so it was with Gautama, a Buddha and a Bodhisattva. In the lives of the many Buddhas and bodhisattvas who have followed his example, we may trace the origins of his compassion, his desire to end human suffering,
In the West today, nearly 2500 years later, Gautama persists in efforts to awaken a humanity languishing in the sea of samsara. Yes, he comes to us quietly within our hearts as always. And also, in our community, Gautama speaks through our amanuensis David, one so attuned to the inner voice that the ascended masters' messages are conveyed to our sangha12 in the West, even as we abide in the misty plains and valleys here below.
New to the ascended master teachings? Not sure what an amanuensis or messenger is? That's why we're offering a
Free 16-page PDF booklet that helps to answer the question:
What Is a Messenger? Holy Spirit Empowered Amanuensis vs. Psychic Channeler. Access
It was Gautama Buddha who released through David the Crystal-Diamond Tube of Light prayer (0.001), which begins virtually all of our prayer services. We encourage you to give it aloud. When invoked with sincerity, it may reinforce your attunement with the God-virtue required in the moment and place you within the atmosphere of God’s crystalline protection.
Here is an excerpt: Clear all resistance to my acceptance of divine inspiration, guidance, intuition and grace; the development of my inner potential and Christic/Buddhic nature; and the acceleration of the precipitation in my world of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the siddhis of the adepts…13
Since the founding of The Hearts Center community, we have been blessed to receive many messages from Gautama. Please refer to the module on the right side of this page under the title: Featured HeartStreams of Gautama Buddha. Click on the icons under "Media" to view, listen or read your selection.
Joining Together in Ritual and Celebration of the Buddha Light
As the practice of meditation is meant to lead us by still waters to experience God as the All-Buddha within, so by word and deed, song of devotion and sacred dance, we move within our raised awareness to be that Buddha-in-action. In The Hearts Center we often join with others in rituals, ceremonies, reenactments and celebrations that serve to align us with our own Buddha nature and our sponsoring Buddhas. And these shared gatherings give us opportunity to honor the Holy Christ/Buddha nature of our brothers and sisters.
As an example, Wesak, a traditional Buddhist celebration, continues to be observed by students of many spiritual backgrounds. This event bonds devotees of East and West, causing the Master to smile as he witnesses students from all corners of the globe focusing on the Middle Way of compassion and self-discipline, and enjoying a camaraderie in spirit.
Considered to be the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar, Wesak marks three key events in the Buddha’s life: his birth, his enlightenment, and his attainment of nirvana.14
Arcing his presence from its Himalayan origins to the Montana wilderness, emanating from the Wesak Valley in western Tibet to the Paradise Valley area surrounded by the Absaroka and Gallatin Mountain Ranges, the Buddha comes to bestow a powerful blessing of radiant spiritual energy from Shambhala to his students around the world.
According to tradition, this blessing occurs yearly on the day nearest to the appearance of the full moon in early May. Legend has it that a divine grace is released with an immense intensity at this Wesak Festival Celebration. And Gautama has told us that the Lord Christ as well as the Lord Buddha jointly release an interlaced bounty of loving and compassionate rainbow-light essence.
“This Grace manifests as an Increase of divine light, showers onto and into everyone and everything within an enormous radius of the various celebrations taking place globally, and impregnates the Earth itself.”15
Our community joins together with all who are preparing themselves to be both recipients and emitters of this divine energy. We project our Buddhic beingness when we consciously “receive, direct and release the [Wesak] energy by spreading light, love and blessings wherever [we] go.”16