European Pilgrimage Oct. 9-22, 2007
NEW YORK CITY EVENT Friday, September 28, 2007
Experience a Live Discourse from
a Cosmic Buddha of Ruby Love
on Friday, September 28, 2007
from 7:00 — 9:00 p.m. (5:00 — 7:00 p.m. MDT)
A.R.E. — 241 West 30th Street
New York, New York
Come and meet our messenger, David C. Lewis, if you are nearby, or
listen to our internet broadcast if you live far away.
Read the Flyer for more detailed information. |
ORLANDO EVENT Saturday, August 25, 2007
FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2007 June 30 — July 6, 2007
HOUSTON, TEXAS May 11 — 13, 2007
The Hearts Center™ Presents:
A Mother’s Day Weekend in Houston
with the Messenger David C. Lewis
"A Floral bouquet from Heaven
to Hearts Afire for God!"
MIAMI EVENT April 13 — 14, 2007
Hampton Inn Miami-Airport West
The Hearts Center™ Presents:
A Weekend with the Holy Family:
Helping Families in Living a Spiritual Life
Come hear dictations from Jesus, Mary and Saint Germain
through the Messenger David C. Lewis
“The Resurrection of Freedom
in the Americas”
Focusing the Violet Light for the Seventh-Ray Children
Söderhamn, Sweden February 2-4, 2007
Seminar with the Messenger for
The Hearts Center™, David Lewis
Blazing Light Trails in Scandinavia:
Experience Aquarian Love-Fires
from the Ascended Masters.
Washington D.C. January 26th – 28th
Pilgrimage to Luxor Egypt October 7-17
Journey to the Ascension Temple with Serapis and Morya Ten days; October 7-17
The journey of a lifetime for those who have determined to make their ascension! Personal initiations conveyed directly from the master of the ascension temple at Luxor.
A ten-day pilgrimage and retreat where personal initiations will be conveyed on inner levels and souls prepared for their ultimate reunion with God. Join the Messengers in this unforgettable opportunity to travel to the Mother chakra of the planet.
See the great pyramids at Giza, float the Nile, and walk where the Master walked. Participate in the Harvest Conference in Luxor, October 9-12.
Click Here to Make Your Reservation
Freedom Conference 2006 Grand Targhee,Wyoming June 30 - July 4
Charge the Earth with Violet Fire! Fresno, California June 2-4
Charge the Earth with Violet Fire!
A Cosmic Mission to Save Sentient Life
The Seven Mighty Elohim come to the Heart of California
June 2-4, 2006 Friday: Fresno Sat/Sun: Yosemite
For more information call: 559-637-9655/559-960-3988
Meditation Event Bozeman, Montana May 13-14
New Living Expo San Francisco, California April 28-30th 2006
Concourse Exhibition Center at 8th Street at Brannan Street in San Francisco.
Jeanne House will be on a panel on Saturday April 29th at 1 pm in Room 3
Topic: The Marriage of Sex and Spirit
David Lewis will be on a panel on Sunday April 30th at 1 pm in Room 3
Topic: Healing the Heart of the World
Click Here to go the Expo Website
Hearts on Fire Walnut Creek, California Monday, May 1st 2006
”Hearts on Fire” A New Vision for The Hearts Center™
Easter Conference 2006 Wellspring Retreat, Montana April 13-16
The Tao of Resurrection in the Now
Easter Conference
Wellspring Retreat
April 13-16, 2006
Building a Solar Civilization in the Age of Aquarius Tucson, AZ April 7-10
Detroit Prayer Vigil 2006 Detroit, Michigan March 31 - April 2
Prayer Vigil for Economic Freedom
March 31, April 1-2, 2006
Prayer Vigil and Lanello's Ascension Day Service February 25-26
The Prayer Vigil will be broadcast from the following Heart Centers:
Bozeman - Montana
Chicago - Illinois
Detroit - Michigan
Minneapolis - Minnesota
Santa Rosa - California
Wellspring - Montana
Lanello's Ascension Day Service will be broadcast live from the Wellspring Retreat on Sunday Morning February 26th
Click here to see the Broadcast Schedule
We have put together a collection of PDF files, pictures for this vigil
Click here to go the File Download Page
Mother Liberty Welcomes All To New York City February 17-19
Atlantis Rising in Violet Light Miami, Florida February 10-12
Cascading Prayer Vigil for China, Tibet and Burma January 28-29
New Year’s Conference
Peace in the Heart of the Fire Ring December 21-22
Freedom's Flame Rekindled in the Heart of America December 2-4
The Vision of a Golden Age Bozeman, Montana November 11-13
The Vision of a Golden Age: Heartstreaming for Victory
Friday Evening
Lanello and K-17
Lord Maitreya
Kuan Yin
Lady Kristine and Hilarion
Saint Germain and Portia
Wingate Inn in Bozeman
Bozeman Hearts Center Site
Dallas Weekend Event Dallas, Texas November 4-6
Friday Evening Nov 4 7pm - 9pm CST No Broadcast*
Public Lecture: Heartstreaming for the New Age
Questions and Answers in a Darshan with Lanello
Saturday Nov 5 Live Broadcast
10am - 1pm CST
Darshan with El Morya
Dictations from El Morya, Saint Germain and the
Great Divine Director
2pm - 5pm CST
Darshan with El Morya for the Youth
Informal Q&A with David Lewis
Sunday Nov 6 11am - 1pm CST Live Broadcast
Devotional Service
Dictations from Mother Mary and Lanello
California Missions Tour October 22-29
Victory in the North with Michael’s Legions Banff, Canada October 7-10
Harvest Class October 7-10
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Dictations in Canada
Beloved Lanello (with Mother)
Beloved Bonnie Blue
Beloved Hercules and Amazonia
Beloved Archangel Michael and Faith
Beloved Heros and Amora
Beloved Fortuna, Goddess of Supply
Beloved Saint Germain and Portia
Beloved El Morya
Beloved Goddess of Light
Beloved Mighty Cosmos
Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity
Beloved Archangel Michael and Faith
Beloved Virgo (also known as Prosperina)
Beloved Purity
Beloved Astrea
Beloved Arcturus and Victoria
Class of the Solar Fires Bloomington, Minnesota September 16-18
Friday, September 16th
Evening barbecue at member's house
Everyone is welcome
Directions to Barbeque Site
Saturday/Sunday, September 17th/18th
Park Inn International
Bloomington, Minnesota
Rooms are available for around $55
Phone: 1-800-449-0409
Event cost is $25 per day for Saturday and Sunday
Contact Jamie on 715-426-5343 9am-8pm CDT
for more information
Click here for Full Details in PDF format
LANDMARK EVENT IN DETROIT! Detroit, Michigan August 26-28
"Lanello and the Seven Chohans on Current World Situations"
This weekend August 26, 27 & 28 David Lewis and Rebecca Brainard will receive 14 dictations plus recap the Mexico pilgrimage!
The events starts 7:00 p.m. EDT on Friday; recommended donation is $33, none will be turned away.
It will be broadcast, donations to the broadcast can be made on the web site.
Mexico Pilgrimage August 9 - 16
You are invited to travel with the Masters, the Messenger, David Lewis, the Witness, Rebecca Brainard and other heart friends to Mexico from Aug 9 - 16 on a pilgrimage to anchor a great light for the Holy Family in Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende and Cuernavaca. Recently, Morya said, "This is a major event for the Great White Brotherhood. Those who support the Messenger and the Witness will be daily blessed by the radiation we will convey through our own. Whoever makes the sacrifice to accompany them will receive graces untold from the heart of the Holy Family." We have been told that Saint Germain, Mother Mary and Jesus will dictate each day for a total of 21 dictations. In addition, Archangel Michael will also dictate in San Miguel de Allende. We would be thrilled to have you join us on this important mission to arc the light between the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Click here to see details (Adobe PDF)
Click here to see further details (Adobe PDF)