Friday, July 1, 2016
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Utilizing our personal spiritual gifts and blessings while avoiding ego. Space Clearing and Geopathic Stress and its impact on your health? False flag operations. Fracking. Totalitarian police state. Nuclear waste. Election fraud. Global Corporations. Geoengineering. Climate change. Fema camps. Oil. Microchipping of the population.
David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, gave three lectures on soulful living in Africa, during the Gnostic Wholistic Festival in Cape Town, South Africa, July 1-3, 2016.
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Afra's new book, Living a Soulful Life, was launched by David Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author, on the African Continent at Novalis Ubuntu in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 30, 2016.
July 5: Visit the Cradle of humankind (west of Johannesburg). July 6: Go to a farm near Nigel (east of Johannesburg) to meet Heartfriends. July 7: Visit Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Bronkhorstspruit (east of Pretoria)
Images from this event
HeartStreams from this Event
Saint Germain July 06, 2016 The Power of the Word Is Infinite When Spoken with Cosmic Intention Watch now
El Morya July 06, 2016 El Morya Warns Initiates Against Using Ayahuasca and Other Drugs Listen now