Pilgrimage to Ghana
Return to the Heart of Africa: Our Sacred Journey of Love with Afra
October 27 – November 5, 2011
Attend our heart- and soul-centered pilgrimage to Ghana, the heart chakra of Africa. Come to the West African country that Sanat Kumara called “…an ascended master nation”1 to be instruments for the release of cosmic fields of transmutation, cosmic love and cosmic brotherhood. This will be the third African pilgrimage, completing the merging of three anchor points of a special triangular grid that the masters desire to establish on the continent through us.
When we go to Africa as instruments for that investment of ascended master light, the masters will be able to do more, as Afra stated on Saturday, April 5, 2005, to “…stabilize the continent for the salvation of souls there.” On October 11, 2006, during the Egypt pilgrimage, the Master Saint Germain invited us to “consider making a pilgrimage once per year somewhere upon the African continent to lay your feet upon this soil and to work for three solid days giving this violet fire and burning through deeper and deeper levels of the astral plane through the action of this light.”
This pilgrimage will be a watershed event for heartfriends, those physically present receiving a special blessing given once every 10,000 years. And wherever we travel, we will be in the auric field of all of the sponsoring masters of our pilgrmage as well as the master known as the Spirit of Ghana. An experience of lifetimes awaits us.
1. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Sanat Kumara: The Opening of the Seventh Seal—On the Path of the Ruby Ray (Summit University Press, 1979), 223-227.
Meru University Course: The Heart-Soul Connection
Blessing from Melchizedek
Blessing for those who also attended the Egypt and South Africa pilgrimages
An audience with the king of the Ashanti
Meditation and clearance of Atlantic slave trade akashic records
Visits to Manhiya Palace Museum, Elmina’s Door of No Return, Cape Coast Castle and Historical Museum
Marketplace shopping
Video from Kumasi, Ghana: Pilgrims Declare Virtues they embody