Mother Mary Comes with Extraordinary Love
in Support of Unity and Harmony within Families, Communities & Nations
February 12 – 14, 2016
San Diego, California
with David Christopher Lewis
Your Divine Mother Is Calling
Bask in the love of the Divine Mother this Valentine’s Day weekend at an event sponsored by Mother Mary’s own heart. Come to Vista to commune with the
hearts of many Heavenly Mothers—Omega, Venus, Portia, Nada, Rose of Light, the recently ascended Lady Clarity, as well as beloved Mother Mary. And
throughout the weekend, imbibe the visual impressions of love prepared for you by our creative arts team. What eye-magic they will manifest!
Experience the intercession of the Mother Principle, the Mother Ray, the Ma-Ray to increase love, unity and harmony within our families, communities and
nations. Receive her comforting messages, delivered through David Christopher Lewis. Feel the love and support of Mother Mary who extends her heart in a
uniquely personal blessing to individual families during our weekend.
Through prayer, song, sacred dance and meditation, we will offer our devotions to the Mothers of Heaven and receive their help in resolving our inner
conflicts and enhance our family and community relationships. Our Divine Mothers will work with us on immigration and Mexican-American border issues. And
they will bestow profound blessings of light for the Earth.
A Touch of Divine Love—a Valentine’s Day of Peak Experiences
On Sunday, Valentine’s Day, blessings and opportunities await:
The touch of divine love to your heart chakra with a Rose of Sharon oil blessing
A rare anointing with a ray of light from the heart of Omega
Participation in a ritual floral offering
An opportunity to petition Omega for world peace
And you know there is always more. Register now and reserve your place onsite or online for a weekend enveloped in the divine love of the Mother!