The Hearts Center Presents
Divine Love Fulfilled through Higher Beingness
Saint Germain and Mighty Victory
Return to Mount Shasta
with David Christopher Lewis
Mount Shasta, CA
August 6-9, 2015
Join David Christopher Lewis with Live Messages from Saint Germain
The Hearts Center is thrilled to invite you to participate in an auspicious weekend event on Saint Germain's mountain this August! Meet with David Christopher Lewis and heartfriends worldwide on August 6-9 in the majestic setting of Mount Shasta with its stunning vistas, exhilarating stillness and sacred energies. You have a unique opportunity to experience live messages through David from Saint Germain and other select ascended masters. This is an opportunity to receive their radiation for the anchoring and accelerating of light throughout our planet and for the mitigation of dire prophecy by our prayerful focus on specific regional and global issues.
Heartstream with Select Ascended Masters
Climb to new heights of spiritual insight, expand your vistas, breathe in their rarefied sacred fire breath, drink in nature’s pure water, and imbibe Mt. Shasta's wild beauty. Immerse yourself in Saint Germain’s divine love. Be in the awesome presence of Victory, Liberty, Freedom, Godfre and Lotus, Meta, Mother Mary
and the Maha Chohan. And receive blessings and anointings from the Holy Spirit.
Aquarian Music, Dance, and Mountain Sunsets
In addition to two spectacular evening pageants performed at the Saint Germain Foundation’s G. W. Ballard Amphitheatre, you will enjoy...
Heart-centered Kirtan music
Singing and moving with bhajans
Sun gazing at dusk on the mountain
Dancing the Paneurhythmy
Communing in nature’s lush national forest
It’s Worth the Trek to Be in Mount Shasta August 6-9!
Join the engaging conversations; be part of this spiritual discovery and renewal. Relax, rejuvenate, practice, connect and have fun! August 6-9 in Mount
Shasta–it’s the time and place to be. Make your plans now; and remember Morya’s promise, “The trek upward is worth the inconvenience!”