God is great. His ways are melodious and full of
the awe and wonder of creation. When you are mindful
and heart-centered, when you live in the sacred space
within the secret chamber of the heart, are fully tethered
to your I AM God Presence, and understanding,
patient, and kindly in your ways, all is revealed, all
comes to the surface to be fulfilled and resolved, and
divine happiness manifests through the afflatus of the
Holy Spirit’s Presence in your life. If you are truly
patient with God, not judging the Divine One and how
cosmic law is outpictured in your life or in the lives of
others, you will gain insight and wisdom, the truth will
ring through your being with clarity and joy, and the
song of Omega, the Divine Mother, will be on your lips
and in your heart.
— K-17, February 20, 2015