In-Person Soul-Raising Sessions with David
Receive a Holy Spirit Soul Blessing, an Aura Cleansing and a Wave Blessing!
The Holy Spirit Overshines David to Bless You
During the 2016 Summer Solstice, the Maha Chohan, the representative of the Holy Spirit, initiated a new cycle and dispensation of healing grace through The Hearts Center movement. He granted David the mantle of the divine physician.
Through this new mantle, David will conduct Soul-Raising Sessions sponsored by the Holy Spirit. The tremendous power of the release of light through the agency of the Holy Spirit will afford you relief from ancient patterns and records lodged in the subtle fields and folds of your subconscious and unconscious mind and being. You will experience change, transformation and elevation.
The divine spiritual grace flowing to you will be personal for you. The Holy Spirit will do what she desires in each session. Personal healings are not guaranteed, yet possibilities for healing may come through the Holy Spirit’s divine grace and comfort. By giving the Holy Spirit license to perform this alchemy with your soul, the wave patterns of light released through the agency of the Holy Spirit will be such that you will receive initiatic cycles of light.
David's Comments on Soul-Raising Sessions from July 20, 2016
"Sometimes the anointing, the blessing, the encouragement, the Soul Raising is facilitated in such a way that you can expand it and help others. That’s what I saw over and over again. It is not just about your own Soul Raising. You are raised up so that you can raise others up. And that is the magnanimous nature of each one of these blessings.
You are consecrated, accelerated, and invested with greater light and fields of divine joy and beingness. I see each person who goes through this as now being even more expressive of their true Self. You have a greater sense of your purpose and mission beyond what you may have humanly conceived you were capable of because God is great and God is great in you.
That’s the beauty of these sessions. It reconnects us to the sense of who we truly are as spiritual beings—yes, living in these veils of flesh—and yet still totally connected to God and one with God in our essence and having all these sacred abilities, resources that we can draw upon, and dynamics of alchemy that we can utilize in our work. It’s so important that you have these sessions.
Upon request, David will also make himself available for a few in-person Soul-Raising Sessions during the trip.
Email if you would like to schedule one.
"This was a cosmic experience, something I’ve never had in my life! I was taken right up to the throne of God and shown my diving purpose as a being. I tell you, this changes how you think about yourself! I still get chills when I think about everything I learned about my soul. I can’t tell you how life-changing it is and I encourage everyone to have a session." —C.B.
"Once you get the blessing, you will know that it’s not some random blessing that comes out of a hat. It’s really for you. It gives you such a feeling that the Holy Spirit really knows you. You know that everything about you, what you’ve been doing and what your real Self is, God knows, and this communion that you have is undeniably sincere and the truth." —N.B.
"Among other things, I was granted a talisman and an ability to bless and raise locations in the Earth and people, and groups of people. I feel that it is something that I will use. And I will continue to develop the ability to use it more efficaciously all the rest of my life. It’s like a life assignment and a grant in a more than ordinary way." —B.B.
Email if you would like to schedule Soul-Raising Session.