One of the aspects of the violet fire that is so
stupendous is its ability, by the action of the sacred fire
inherent within its transmutative powers, to draw back
to our souls our soul parts. Transmutation is the
changing of one element to another. Our souls are constantly evolving. And we are hopefully rising higher in
consciousness through the discernment of spirits,
through our acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s impartation
of the light, and through gaining a greater understanding of who we are—our God-reality, our inner
divinity, our Buddha nature, our Solar Presence.
When the violet fire is invoked, through its magnetic qualities it draws back unto our souls for reintegration those electrons and particles of being that we
have forfeited through unconsciousness in past incarnations and in this life. When this reintegration process
is complete, we have the complete union of our soul
with the Oversoul of our Higher Self, our God Presence,
and we merge permanently with the identity of our
individualization of the God-flame, which is our True
— David Christopher Lewis (overshined by Saint Germain), February 7, 2009