A tender approach toward all life is essential in
developing Buddhic presence. An attitude of quietude
whereby you may hear and feel the sacred impulses of
life and light flowing and glowing within allows you to
maintain a state of listening grace. A sense of peace,
wherein nothing riles you to reply to the outer world
energies with a reactive spirit of rancor and angst,
allows many Buddha beings to protect you in their joy
The vicissitudes of life at times challenge even the
most progressed of conscious ones to maintain a state of
inner balance and harmony. Yet the adepts have
managed to do just this—transcend outer limitations to
keep the light flowing and emanating through their
beings at all times, in every situation. All at times have
been beset by the dark storms and boisterous winds of
the Maras and Satans of this world. Yet with your continuous striving to remain tethered to a higher reality,
you may be secure in Buddhic heart-mindfulness
— Clare de Lis, February 1, 2010