Your heart is the sacred domain where true
wisdom resides. When you have a real heart-mind
connection, it is awesome to feel this radiance from
heaven. You may have heard the sacred scripture that
says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ
Jesus.”* This is a sacred formula to allow the same divine mindfulness that existed within Jesus the Christ to
also exist within you.
When you embrace the Sun Presence of the living
Christ, that illumination flame brightens your world
and your mind. That brightness of the noonday sun is
yours to enjoy any time that you desire to put your attention on God, any time that you desire to embrace
the light of the living Christ within you. You see, from
within this essence of the living Christ, the true teachings appear, and you have access from within this
sacred space to all truth, all wisdom.
The more you desire to be a living Christ walking
upon the Earth, the greater the light that shines within
and through your aura, and the easier it is for you to
understand higher concepts of truth.
*Philippians 2:5
— Archangel Jophiel, September 12, 2017