Would you like to feel your mighty I AM
Presence all the time? How do you do that? You do it
through love. Love is the greatest of all the virtues. To
feel your Divine Presence, go into your heart, invoke
the love-fire of God, and wait upon the Lord until you
can feel that living flame burst forth. The energy of it,
the radiance of it becomes so powerful that you are engulfed in it. And then live in that sacred habitation, that
living place, or house, of the Lord.
It takes spiritual practice, attentiveness, and
devotion to be able to come to a point in your life
where you know that Presence as a flame within you
and you are not missing a beat in that love-fire of God
nurturing you all the time. It is your true bread of life.
— Archeia Hope, September 21, 2017