As the age of Pisces moves into the stream of
Aquarius, the great Water Bearer of heaven comes to
wash clean the Earth in violet light. And heavenly beings prepare the way by laying a foundation of greater
love. They come to bear witness to the great light of
freedom that is even now arising within the hearts of
many upon Earth.
All that you see outplaying on Earth of the letting
go of the old ways and the acceptance of the new is for
the purpose of creating a sacred procession of light for
souls to arise. A spiral staircase of crystal light appears
before you, and you may take the hand of the archeiai
to ascend that spiral staircase.
Yes, you are preparing for the great and notable
day of the Lord—the appearance of the Christ consciousness fully within you. When that Christ comes,
he points also to the Mother light, which must rise as
your soul ascends. Jesus came to ennoble the Mother
light. And though much has been removed from scripture by the seed of the wicked who attempted to divert
the great stream of his beingness and teaching, still
there is the appearance now, both within the world and
within you, of a greater opportunity to be the fullness of
that Mother light where you are so that the great Water
Bearer and her sacred work of cleansing the Earth may
fully manifest.
— Magda, December 13, 2007