Love is the allness of God. Love is the reason for
being together. When you love, God abides within you
in the sanctity of the secret chamber of your heart—the place of communion and the repository of divine
energy that animates your being. When you love, your
life is fulfilled. For not only is love the key that unlocks
the door to your divine image; it is the energy and substance of the I AM that you are. When you are in love,
love is in you. When you are full of love, the fullness
of love is within you. For love is the very personhood
of God.
God would have his love tangibly expressed
through every child of his heart, every son and daughter. Creativity is love, for in the creative process in any
vocation or endeavor, love makes the difference and is
the basis upon which the creative process rests. Those
who try to create without love will always come up
short, will always fail, because you cannot truly create
anything of permanence without the fire of the Holy
Spirit animating and enlivening that creation with
God’s all-abounding love.
— Archangel Chamuel, March 14, 2006