Listen 25 min
Beloved Mother Mary
David Christopher Lewis
January 5, 2014
8:45-9:09 am MST
Livingston, Montana
I Am Your Mary, Loving You Free—To Be Love
Receive the Radiance and Blessing of the Holy Family
Precious Ones,
I, Mary, come to bless you each one with the radiance of my Immaculate Heart, with a special divine effervescence, a spiritual fragrance, a holy oil that the divine One has extended to me to, in turn, give to you for your emboldening way this day and for the increase of light within your life—for your victory, for your fulfillment, for your daily nurturing. It is a new year and opportunity for each one to be more expressive of love in so many ways. Why, the Lord your God has given you free will to experience the creation—and more importantly, to leave within your life-legacy essences of your love, of your light for others to enjoy.
Dearest ones, as I behold it from heavenly octaves of light, whenever you pray and consciously give to the Lord the love of your hearts, you plant a flower in the sacred space in which you live in the etheric plane. And that flower grows and perfumes the atmosphere with your essence given lovingly. And when many of you together pray as one, saying the same words and embedding them with your hearts’ fire, gardens of divine flowers are created. And the impact in the etheric plane is magnanimous and wonderful—and in a great sense, counteracts all of the lesser manifestations of mankind’s inhumanity to man, which arises within the astral plane, the lower levels and vibrations of awareness that some actually live within during their life upon Earth.
You see, dearest ones, the etheric plane is more subtle and more powerful in its impact upon planet Earth. And therefore, when you extend the radiance of your being consciously into the highest heights of awareness through your prayer and meditation practices, many spiritual gardens and amazing manifestations of light, co-creating a new Earth in the etheric plane itself, provide a safeguarding action, a protective layer of beingness around the Earth for all to experience and enjoy.
Many wonder how they can deal with the issues of today, the challenges of the environment, the negativity that comes through the media and through a number of situations that the lightbearers find themselves experiencing that are not natal to the divine worlds—and something that they cannot even imagine would be within their life experience at all.
Dearest ones, I am here to share with you that the answer to every dilemma, every problem—every situation that causes pain, anguish, sorrow or a scar upon your spirit and soul—lies in prayer, devotion, supplication to the divine One and the acceptance of light, harmony, peace, compassion and beingness within your world through the conscious application of your heart with your mind and higher vision center, seeing what you truly desire as manifest now—and feeling it into existence, emoting it into reality through your great feeling body, through your heart of hearts, one with God’s heart.
What you can imagine in truth is, for you, within the framework of your own higher mind. And when you consciously use eye magic—through this divine vision center that God has given you and through higher thought and especially through beingness within the eternal Now—miracles can ensue, divine intercession is experienced and the blessings that are yours and many others’ become the new reality that you enjoy—far, far from all of the dire predictions and the calamitous ways of those unwed to Spirit, to their higher Source.
Dearest ones, I have provided many warnings to the humble ones in various countries throughout the world in recent times. And everywhere that I have appeared and spoken or shared with a lightbearer my concern, I have also expressed the way out—through prayer and fasting, through givingness, sacrifice and again entering into what is important in life—harmony and oneness within the family and within one’s own heart wed to God.
I come on this day, impelled by this one, my little spokesperson, who long ago beheld my face and cried out to the Lord of Lords for an opportunity to somehow make a difference in this world. And so, after many cycles of time and through a gradual building of a spiritual radiance within his life through his devotion to my Immaculate Heart, the seal was set. And Jesus, my son himself, came to this one and shared a message, which is truly for you all—to be love, to be love, to be love.
This message continues day by day through this dispensation of grace. And it is our desire, the desire of many ascended beings, angelic hierarchies and spiritual sponsors, to expand the light waves of God’s holy radiance into new channels of opportunity across the air waves, reaching down into the very lives of thousands upon thousands across America and the world.
All of this, dearest ones, may only be facilitated by conscious prayer, communion with God within, oneness with the Spirit—person by person, heartfriend by heartfriend—as you care for one another within your givingness, as you share with one another the fruits of your own lives, as you give those first fruits to your Source—and then extend them in beautiful and harmonious ways through your co-creations and the gifts of the Spirit that each of you provide as that resource of your heart of light in this hour.
Yes, my message within this movement is a little different than what I share with those of the Catholic faith who accept and believe in my intercessory power, which always is derived directly from the Source of all—God. And yet, dearest ones, my appearing and my speaking unto you is just as powerful and miraculous as that which has occurred throughout the Earth in so many places prepared through the humility of one or more hearts, those whom I have chosen to speak to or through.
Give glory to God for all that you have and continue in the way through humility to purify your lives, your consciousness, your self. For a pure heart is what my angels always respond to first, dearest ones. A pure mind, crystalline in its beingness, is the one unto whom we may send cosmic thoughtforms and divine ideations of heavenly wonder and glory. And a pure soul, cleansed through the fires of transmutation, is the one unto whom we extend divine resources and who, in a sense, we reside within—through our essences, through the outpourings of love, the heavenly fragrances of divine roses and flowers of beingness.
O, holy ones of God, as you are caring, sensitive, still and radiant, we infuse throughout the Earth, through your resonance with us, those divine frequencies that do transmute the old into the new and give birth within the etheric octaves of great opportunities for many souls to experience new freedom and the blessings through the archangels and angels of light.
Therefore, my message today again is to be love, to experience love throughout your day by offering your heart again and again to the divine One. For in this offering heaven responds, your heart expands and your aura, too, becomes a vessel through which divine light alights in your world.
Now, beloved Jesus with Saint Germain, Meta and I, extend the radiance of the Holy Family with Magda and Portia and Raphael to all heartfriends throughout the world this day. And this blessing manifests as a feeling action within your souls first and your four lower bodies next. For we see the challenges, as well as the opportunities. We see the initiations, as well as the joyous occasions and commemorative experiences that you will have, one with another, in community, in family and deep within your hearts.
This blessing is essential for all to know. And it may be re-established daily through the giving of your rosaries and your humble and heartfelt prayers. And a simple whisper to me or a fiat or a gentle call will always result in the reenactment of this blessing for you, dearest ones.
I am your Mary, loving you free, lifting you up when what you are going through may seem almost impossible to weather in today’s world. All I can say, dearest ones, is that I weathered the crucifixion of my son. And we, together moved on through new opportunities to serve, to be love. If we can do it, by God’s grace, you, too, may deal with all of life’s challenges through a peaceable heart, one with God. I love you and am ever with you on your spiritual journey of light. I thank you.
Copyright © 2014 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.