LIsten 20 min
Beloved Saint Anne
David Christopher Lewis
January 28, 2014 9:01–9:20 am MST
Livingston, Montana
You Have Been Sent to Earth to Be Witness to a
New Solar Civilization
We Are Here to Assist You to Manifest Your Highest Destiny
Most Precious Hearts,
I come, the mother of Mary, whom you have called Saint Anne or Anna, with Joachim at my side, to ray forth the light throughout the Earth, the light of the Great White Brotherhood—that mysterious light of God, that awesome light of the One, the light that lighteth every man, woman and child who has alighted upon Earth.¹ Each incarnation is meant to be a soul experience, where the nurturing aspects of one’s I AM Presence may be known, felt, experienced in a life lived to the glory of God, whereby there may be the magnification of one’s soul essence within to make progress on the path and to fulfill one’s destiny in the light.
Our purpose upon Earth was fulfilled through the mission of Mary, of Joseph, of Jesus. For through the Holy Family and their work in that hour, there was born upon Earth a new culture, a new Solar civilization through the Christ light, the essence of God-good that these, our beloved ones, brought to humanity, whereby a new law of mercy, compassion and grace became the new model for humanity through the example of these virtuous ones. And by their lives, yours too were upraised. And new opportunities were presented in that hour, and are in this, for your full acceptance of your divine estate and for the grace of God to be yours in every breath, for the virtues of God to find habitation within your heart, and for the wisdom of God to be intuited in a shining mind always focused upon the heavens and the Word—the Word made flesh within you.
I represent a sacred brotherhood/sisterhood of the Essene community, which for a number of generations worked assiduously to prepare for the coming of the Holy Family and their mission for the Earth. You see, dearest ones, it was with great resolve that we invested the energies of our daily disciplines and spiritual practices to ennoble the light within our chakras, our sacred centers of light, so that we could bear a greater portion of the divine light, so that through our seed a new culture could emerge, a new way could be made manifest. And so it was that prophecies were fulfilled, that the plans were set. The players sent by God to the Earth were there for the great drama to manifest, for a new covenant, a new testament of light to be brought forth for humanity.
Now in this hour the Great White Brotherhood expands its reach unto humanity using today’s technologies and media opportunities. And so you are called, for you have been sent to this Earth to be witness to a new Solar civilization being brought forth during this hour to meet the crises at hand and to set the stage for an even greater drama of God-beingness to manifest upon the Earth for the resurrection and the ascension of millions across the face of our dear Mother Earth.
You know in your heart and in your soul, by the gift of cosmic memory, your calling, your sacred mission to life. And we are here to assist you in every possible way to manifest your highest destiny, to fulfill every aspect of your calling. Yes, we are here to help you during the trials and tribulations that you undergo in the flesh physically, tangibly upon Earth. For we have experienced these ourselves and we know something of the burdens, something of the oppressive forces that do weigh upon the heart, mind and soul of those so invested in so holy a cause of light.
When you call to Mary, because of her heart tie to us we also are present and overshine that which you invoke and request in your spiritual work, and certain finer elements of God-consciousness and Solar awareness filter through the atmosphere into your world, by the grace of God, because the Brotherhood is one. And all of heaven answers when you call to the archangels, to the archeiai with love, with devotion, with understanding and the full empowerment of your hearts, minds, wills and voices.
Your rosary mass and the mass of your singing in honor of my daughter this day has created a sacred portal of light within a greater portion of the atmosphere of the Earth for numberless numbers of angels, cosmic beings and great lights from far-flung solar systems and galaxies to come to the aid of humanity in this hour, allowing for greater intercession, greater empowerment and a more miraculous manifestation of God’s mercy and love.
Thank you, dearest hearts, for all that you give, your deepest devotion to the One, your heartfelt affinity to your Source in great moments of connectedness, presence, oneness. You see, it is in the sacred space created through your devotion and oneness that heaven answers and provides the keys that you require to all doors, the answers to all dilemmas that you experience. And you are literally served a higher form of communion from the very hands of light of angels themselves in these moments of inner stillness and peace.
Now, blessed ones, as we shine forth our rays of glory in your midst, we encourage you to be joyful and know an inner solitude and happiness that comes in these moments of our togetherness, where we experience God as one. Yes, smile often and adore the God-flame within one another, indicative of the eternal light that burns within every heart. For in this, you fulfill the law of love and you maintain the essential components of the path whereby you retain that state of oneness, grace and holy amour in God’s eternal heart.
I AM Anna, a mother of a Mother whom you revere. Yes, you could say I am the grandmother of the Lord. What an honor, what a joy, what a blessing God provided our family.
And now the angels of the Holy Family adorn you, each one, with greater light, crystal light, for your victory in all things and for the blending of heaven and earth through your hearts on fire for God. I thank you.
1. John 1:9.
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