Listen 8 min
David Christopher Lewis Sharing
February 4, 2014 7:35–7:43 am MST
Livingston Sanctuary of the Heart
Livingston, Montana
Gluten Sensitivity and Your Health
Last night at our home we hosted a two-hour class on gluten-free living presented by a wonderful soul of light in Livingston, Janelle Holden. She told her story about many health challenges—with her skin, with her digestion, with aches and pains and other issues—which resulted in her seeking help through traditional medicine (or what has been called traditional, even though I consider it modern-day non-medicine) and then moving toward working with a naturopath, which is true traditional medicine, to discover ways and means of resolving some of the crises that she had with her health.
It ultimately resulted in her understanding that she was, in effect, allergic to gluten, which, as I heard it last night, is primarily manifest in wheat, rye and barley, especially in their current form as they’re being grown in the United States. These are genetically modified so that the protein, the starch part of the wheat, rye or barley berry, is large. And she shared that wheat and these other grains are not the same as they were hundreds and thousands of years ago, when they were purer and cleaner, in effect. Because of all this, many people are now either sensitive or allergic to gluten in these grains, and when they eat starchy foods that contain these grains in many, many forms, they have issues with their digestion, especially in the small intestine, and have other issues that crop up that turn into diseases and major health challenges.
Hearing her story and her journey through this dynamic brought me to realize that many of us now have issues with grains. If you have a problem with your weight, with digestion, with celiac disease, with lupus or with other autoimmune diseases, consider eliminating gluten from your diet. Try it for a while and see what happens. The experience of many people now is that they have more energy, they’re not bloated in the stomach, especially the intestines, and they simply feel better and are healthier.
If you have a story about this, you can share it with us on the forum, or send an email and somebody can post it to the forum. I believe many of you out there, even in our activity, have problems with digestion and with other issues that I have not named because you may be reacting to the gluten itself, which is now tarnished by the modern methods of monoculture, genetic modification, et cetera.
A clean colon and intestines, and internal organs that work properly can help us with digestion and in eliminating those things that our bodies cannot fully process or deal with. It is important for all of us to consider studying and gaining a greater knowledge of the science of health, especially in regards to digestion and what we may be reacting to and what may not work within our system.
So consult your own health practitioner. I encourage, of course, naturopaths, chiropractors and those who use the more natural means of healing—homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, et cetera—because I believe these work with the root causes of disease rather than just with the symptoms, which much of materia medica today unfortunately deals with through their use of drugs and substances that have side effects.
I have personally noticed that when I eliminate or avoid certain foods, I feel much better, and that when I, unfortunately, take ones I know I don’t do well with, I suffer, don’t feel my best, don’t do my best and am not able to get as much work done or move through the day with great joy and luminosity.
We could share a lot more on the subject. Donna Korth has probably talked about it in one or more of her presentations on health in the past. If you feel tired, do not have the energy you used to have, or you have certain things coming on that you didn’t have decades ago, I simply encourage you to look into this and really work on it.
If you’d like more information on the subject, I’m sure that we can help provide some resources or guide you to individuals who can provide it. And Janelle Holden from Livingston does do health consultations regarding this and we’d be happy to hook you up with her.
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