Listen 29 min
David Christopher Lewis Discourse
July 6, 2014 9:30–10:00 am MDT
Livingston, Montana
I AM the Master of My Psychology
Good morning, everyone. God bless you. My voice is a little challenged today, as I’m going through an opportunity to transcend and to release. I just spoke with Illona Iris a few minutes ago and asked how our beloved Nancy Freaner is doing, and Illona shared that she slept most of yesterday. She is slipping fast. Illona was not able to fully communicate with our beloved Nancy, as was the case previously when I was there. So our prayers are with her and her family—Patrick and his girlfriend, Ashley; Mark Stefan; the greater family, including Nancy’s mother, Adele, who had to return to the Maryland area; her brother, who also lives with her mother; and her many, many friends and past co-workers, those who have loved and cherished her.
Also please pray for our beloved Melanie Davoust—the pronunciation of the last name is Da- voo—and also for her husband, Richard, in Ohio because Melanie has gone through a lot and is still, as I understand it, in the hospital.
Yesterday morning I awoke with an I AM affirmation, one line, in my heart and mind: I AM the master of my psychology. So I decided to meditate with our beloved Kuthumi, and both he and Jesus came and overshined me as I penned fifty affirmations with this subject, this focus, in mind and heart.
I’d like to ask you to listen and drink in these I AM affirmation statements using the name of God, I AM. And as soon as our staff is able, they will post this prayer, 60.012.
In the name of the living God, in the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Kuthumi and beloved Jesus, World Teachers with Omraam, I ask you to ray forth throughout the lives, hearts, minds and beings of all heartfriends the essence of these statements now so that each one may receive them internally and consider assimilating the light of these statements in their worlds for the victory and the mastery of their psychology.
1. I AM the master of my psychology.
2. I AM the perfect balance of mindfulness and heart-centeredness.
3. I AM my loving Superconscious Self emanating through my life 24/7.
4. I AM manifesting emotional intelligence as divine love now.
5. I AM the perfect balance of Alpha and Omega in my being, my family, my relationships, my career and all my spiritual work.
6. I AM harmonizing all frequencies and energies that are flowing through my mind and emotions to stay true to my Presence and focused on my God.
7. I AM the mastery of higher soulfulness as my psyche, my soul, is raised in light to behold and merge with my Oversoul—my Divine Self.
8. I AM continuously cognizant of the issues that I am choosing to resolve that are outplayed in my life through my interactions with others.
9. I AM consciously choosing to react only from a point of pure divine love, understanding and patience.
10. I AM on a higher learning curve with the World Teachers in mastering my listening skills so as to always hear the true voice of God within.
11. I AM obedient to my inner voice, which prompts me to act according to my highest divine principles, values and God-desires.
12. I AM graciously and in a self-forgiving spirit transmuting all elements of my former self as they may arise in moments when I temporarily lapse into unreality through unconscious speech or past patterns of imperfection.
13. I AM aware of my opportunities to master my past and my future by living in the Eternal Now, centered in divine love.
14. I AM perfect beingness, through which my Higher Self shines through my soul and illumines the world all around me.
15. I AM a divine psychologist with beloved Kuthumi, the God Meru and Lord Lanto—my guides to understanding my self.
16. I AM assisting all through my example of a heart-centered life lived to glorify God and magnify the Lord.
17. I AM recording my dreams daily as Jesus helps me interpret what my Divine Self is speaking to my unconscious mind during REM, during sleep.
18. I AM releasing all sense of separateness from God and accepting my eternal oneness, which allows me to master my psychology moment by moment.
19. I AM joyfully moving far beyond guilt, blame and shame to embrace oneness, acceptance and the brilliance of my Solar Presence now.
20. I AM accountable for my life and my daily choices, and I consciously choose to no longer revolve or live in the past or recreate painful memories.
21. I AM working daily to better myself by meditating on light, accepting God’s virtues and quintessences, and seeing myself ensconced in radiant joy.
22. I AM the pure gnosis of my Higher Self through divine friendship and an ongoing inner communion with my own great Beloved.
23. I AM pure love as my twin flame lives within my heart and I feel connected, appreciated and cherished by my beloved other half.
24. I AM focused through my higher mind upon my beloved Christ Self, who is liberating me from my past and leading me to my perfect future in the Now.
25. I AM one with God—the Great I AM THAT I AM of all life.
26. I AM living in a perfect field of Solar beingness, through which the divine psychologists inspire new spiritual methodologies upon me to help those entrusted to my care and loving service.
27. I AM embracing my former detractors and enemies and prayerfully moving us all forward into a new era of freedom, enlightenment and loving joy!
28. I AM living in my Solar Reality and assisting my family, friends and co-workers to also be real as we all master our psychology.
29. I AM attending ongoing etheric classes and training by the World Teachers in higher psychology so as to master the arts and sciences of Solar living.
30. I AM abiding in a happy, nonreactive state to assist others in resolving conflict, in coming to terms with the path, and in being victorious always!
31. I AM the way, the truth and the life as a Doctor of Spiritual Integration, following Jesus all the way to the perfectionment of my heart through love.
32. I AM nurturing all through simple acts of kindness, givingness and grace.
33. I AM alchemically changing my life today into the life I have always desired, where I AM free to be who I AM in God, smiling and happy as a lark 24/7!
34. I AM polite and courteous and follow the rules of divine etiquette daily.
35. I AM mindfully musing with Maitreya, Mary, Meru, Morya and Mother on ways and means of assisting all who require heaven’s intercessory grace.
36. I AM pursuing my high and holy calling while mastering my psychology in the most sublime yet simple ways through loving service to thousands.
37. I AM joyfully singing the new song of my Oversoul—my playful and harmonic keynote—and freeing myself to live eternally in God.
38. I AM judiciously using all energies vouchsafed to me each morning to fulfill the most important divine work I choose to engage in today.
39. I AM consciously harmonizing my auric field now as the comfort flame of the Holy Spirit oozes through my heart and spirit hourly to bless all life!
40. I AM radiating spiritual fire to stimulate Earth’s atmosphere in a radiant field of joy so all fears, blocks, manias, obsession, depression, neuroses and psychoses are transmuted once and for all now!
41. I AM the reintegration of every soul part into my being by magnetizing them through pure love for God, nature and all created life forms.
42. I AM flowering in my God Presence as I shine the light of the Sun now!
43. I AM the Sun within me regulating all my hormones and providing me with all the melatonin and serotonin I require to sleep peacefully and awaken each morning refreshed and invigorated in divine love and joy.
44. I AM psychologically balanced and harmonious throughout this day!
45. I AM integrated in God as my subconscious mind is trued to the universal mind of God, allowing me to access all truth, wisdom and divine knowledge.
46. I AM perfecting the science of Solar living, through which the psychology of the new era will emerge to bring harmony and balance to every soul.
47. I AM loving all who in the past have pressed my buttons, activated stress factors within or denigrated my reality. And by my love, they too are healed.
48. I AM the wholeness of my integrated Buddhic being, my Atmic Self and my Solar Reality—shining the light of cosmic joy throughout all multiverses.
49. I AM emanating a rosy fragrance of kindness through my heart to alleviate the suffering, pain and anguish of those whom I choose to love today.
50. I AM gracing the cosmos with my mastery of the psychology of my soul and my new awareness of presence, by which all are free to be God!
These are the fifty affirmations for the prayer “I AM the Master of My Psychology.” I expect that some of us will choose to give our rosary with these affirmations on a regular basis to really incorporate these I AM statements into the deepest levels of our being so that they can be self-realized within us and so that we can move ever forward in the light of our Presence as masters of our psyche and our psychology.
I have been reading the wonderful second book in the autobiographical series of the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov and receiving so much deep inspiration, teaching and the blessing that comes with it.¹ I have asked that each of our broadcasters have a copy of this book and that we read from it daily, that we keep track of where the other has left off and that we really focus on this teaching of the Master and how he was tutored, taught and trained by his Master.
As I have observed myself while reading this great teaching, I have seen those points within my own world and being that require greater refinement. And I think that the release of this affirmation, I AM the master of my psychology, is partly a result. When we think we have mastered something or gotten the victory in one area of our life, lo and behold, opportunity presents itself for greater self-mastery. And that opportunity often comes in interesting ways, which we have all observed, whether it’s through someone else’s sharing with us in a way that we do not appreciate or in the outplaying of events, situations, illnesses or physical challenges. If we are astute, present, aware and attuned, we can fathom the message from heaven for us. And this message is really from our own inner Higher Self, because everything in our lives that is being outplayed is lovingly prepared for our learning, for a divine experience. If we truly meditate each day and self-reflect, we will always find something that we can improve on. We will always be the beneficiary of a greater level of God-consciousness as we see things from a different, higher and inner perspective.
I just received a text from our beloved Maria Min, and the affirmations are now published on our page. So after this service you can refresh the website and go back to the broadcast tab, and then as you hover on it, go down to Prayers and Songs and click on that. You will see all of the prayers and songs, and just go to 60.012.
There is always opportunity for us to grow, to integrate more of God and to be more expressive of who we truly are. Some are very humble, very cautious and very shy, and they may not be as expressive, at least verbally, as they could be about their divinity in ways that articulate what they have assimilated, learned and become. Many of you have been called to be spiritual teachers, lecturers and delivers of truth. So some of you have taken up that calling and are doing it on a regular basis, either in a formal way through presentations, broadcast services, book study classes or lectures, or in an informal way through simply sharing with others, listening and then offering spiritual nuggets of truth and pearls of wisdom.
I believe that often it is the unsaid things that we emanate that can be the greatest blessing. Yet for many it is also through speaking that the Word, the Logos, is brought into play in a very carefully and lovingly presented series of thoughtful words and caring and mindful concepts, which, when presented in the proper way, allow other individuals to be inspired. We have a lot of sharing in our movement. We have a wonderful forum. Just as God through me created this series of affirmations, there is always opportunity for you to in some way share within our movement, to be co-creative and create something beautiful and new through an endeavor that you have facilitated. It could be a visual, such as those presented by our Creative Arts Team, or something you post on the forum—a poem, a divine thought, or a dream that you remembered and interpreted and which may be beneficial for others besides you.
We have a Facebook page. We also have the ability now on our website for all of you to look at what we have presented and to respond through the blog, which is on virtually every page. You can respond to anything, to HeartStreams whose message moved you and say, “Gosh, that really moved me!” Or you can bring some insight that you have into the equation. During Meru University you can, of course, text and chat. There is opportunity to lovingly react or share even during the services we hold when Boyd is present or in those that we video stream. There is so much news, so much information released now on the Earth and none of us, no one of us, can know everything or be aware of all that is transpiring. It really does take a community of like-minded hearts to augment what each of us individually may be aware of so we can round out each other in this Egregore, in this greater spiritual community that we live, move and have our being within.
As I look at our beautiful website, I see the amazing visuals for the events coming up: A Sacred Weekend in Chicago; the webinar on Heliosophy; our Autumn Equinox Sacred Journey to Canada; and our class in San Diego, The Twelve Archangels Resurrect the Temple Fountains of Lemuria. When I see what our team has unfolded through these colorful representations of higher light-energy fields, I feel the love of our community oozing through the website.
I think we have the most creative, up-to-date and constantly changing and evolving website of any spiritual organization on the Earth. How do I know this? How can I say this? Because I’ve looked at a lot of them. I am very, very spiritually proud of our staff, our volunteers, our teams for the work that they do daily, including their own internal work, which allows them to transcend themselves in this process, because this is really the purpose of our work. It’s not just to be thought well of by people in the world or to put something out there or paint something before humanity. It’s the process that we all go through of self-reflection, evolution and spiritual self-discovery that’s the important factor.
I am always heartened to see the images of heartfriends sharing, smiling and emanating their individualization of the God-flame through their smiles, their laughter, their joy. And I encourage us all to be bold and to share something with someone about our website this week, someone that we may not have even thought would be open to it.
Yesterday, my wife, Mona, and I had the opportunity to visit with a friend of mine that I grew up with in the Chicago area who’s a doctor in Bozeman, Montana. He moved out here years ago. He’s a great guy, and I was amazed to discover some of the synchronicities of his and his wife’s life and Mona’s and mine and how we could actually relate to one other even though we walked different paths. You can find those common threads of understanding, divine knowledge and wisdom if you look for them in your interactions with others. There is a spiritual homogenization that is occurring upon Earth as, through the Internet, through the media and through our experiences, we are being brought into a new harmonic field of light, of divine Solar energy and love.
So go for it; look for it; facilitate it; be audaciously creative; and have a most wonderful weekend and week, blessed heartfriends. God bless you, and thank you, Philip and Barbara, for a lovely service today. Bye-bye.
1. See Life with the Master Peter Deunov: Autobiographical Reflections 2, by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (Prosveta, 2014).
Copyright © 2014 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted, giving credit to the author. Contact us at Send correspondence and contributions to PO Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.