Listen 13 min
Beloved El Morya
David Christopher Lewis
January 27, 2015 6:53–7:11 am MST
Sanctuary of the Heart
Livingston, Montana
The Will of God Is Within You
To Know, to Dare, to Do, and to Be Silent
O, how I love the first ray of the dawn, when all that is fresh and new from the sun plays upon the mind, the heart, the will. O, how that which God releases through his servant Son/Daughter within the sun ennobles all that is good, just and divine within the Earth and her evolutions.
I, El Morya, come early to see just who is invested in our work and service to the light. And I step through the veil with an anointing of sacred fire upon each one of you who has been true-blue to the coursing of the Spirit through you, who has modeled a life of givingness, who has put first things first—God at the center of your life and the will of God within the very core of your active spiritual life.
“To know, to dare, to do and to be silent” is the adage of adepts. To know, blessed ones, means that you are not in the mode of equivocating about anything. It is, you are aware of it, and therefore you move swiftly through any challenge with that certainty of divine knowledge of where you are heading, your reasons, your ultimate destiny. To know means that you are yoked to the mind of God, for you have considered from every angle how that will, that wisdom and that love may be played out through your life in a direct concourse with Spirit.
To dare places you squarely within the realm of the active participants with the Lord God, servitors of the light, those who maintain the course with a cosmic expectancy of deliverance and the courage to move through, and not around, the greatest obstacles.
To do keeps you out of the doo-doo, blessed ones. For when you are moving as the intrepid ones, you have no time to lapse into unconsciousness. There is no compromise of your principles, the divine values that course through your veins and arteries and of that which you have set your mind, heart and will to accomplish.
To be silent—notice the first two words of this statement. First you must enter beingness, and when you have fulfilled this state of inner poise and sanctity, the Great Silence comes to you and wraps you in its divine radiance, providing every resource for you to consider in your work. For if you spill the beans here and there rather than plant them consciously in the earth, they may not sprout and you may not ascend the beanstalk to the heaven world of pure light.
Yes, to know, to dare, to do and to be silent means that you are aware of who you are as a God-realized being, as one who invests the inner light in the magnificence, the majesty of the cosmic impulse that co-creates, everywhere, light. You are a co-creator when, with this understanding, at dawn and in silence you access new portals of God-consciousness and Solar awareness. You strive not with futility toward some endless dream. You see the goal and bring it toward you as you leap into the arms of the Divine Mother to learn her secrets and as you value life itself more than the lesser self.
Blessed ones, this movement is about action, for we have called it a movement. And as a community of hearts who commune by and through the heart, there is a certitude of divine fellowship that carries all on my New Blue wave into eternity within the Now of your practical experience of fulfilling your purpose upon this Earth. As you invest your energies daily in gracious works, there is an exponential increase in opportunity for greater service that comes by the directed focus of that will of God that employs you as a servitor of the sacred fire.
You see, blessed ones, many have sought outside of themselves that Will, with a capital W. And yet when you know that the Will of God is within you and always has been and that awakening to that realization brings you into the domain of the ascended-master light effulgence of grace, then it is not difficult to fulfill your assignments. The answers arise instantaneously within you as to how, where, when, with whom and why all is being fulfilled. As you meditate, as you consider, in silence, the light of God that always prevails, that light as divine intelligence will spin within you, will sing within you, will dance the sacred dance of Shiva within the secret chamber of your heart and inspire you with the specifics required to attain, to fulfill, to realize.
I release vigor, vim and virya to the elect, those who have elected to live within that Will and who are thus selected, as joint heirs of Christ, to be the One with me.¹ When you say, “I AM the One; I live in Morya’s fire,” beware!² For I just may be there. And through love and a cosmic embrace, as our hearts are one, our minds are trued, and our wills are fused in God’s eternal light, I will, I will, I will care for you, my beloved one. Thank you.
1. Romans 8:17
2. See Prayer 10.010, I AM the One! by Beloved El Morya in The Hearts Center's Prayers, Decrees and Mantras book and also as an audio CD, I AM the One: El Morya Leads the Way for $12 available here:
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