Ascended Master Messages


Archangel Zadkiel Blazes Forth the Light into the Earth for the Elevation of Our Souls

Archangel Zadkiel Blazes Forth the Light into the Earth for the Elevation of Our Souls
Listen 14 min


Beloved Zadkiel
David Christopher Lewis
November 6, 2013  
8:15–8:33 am MST
Livingston, Montana

It Is Time for You to Be the Nexus for the Release

of a Greater Quotient of Sacred Fire into the Earth

The Power and Importance of Your Fohats and 

Dynamic Decrees


Lovers of Freedom, Lovers of the Light,

            I, Zadkiel, come this day to impress within the Earth a greater energy field of violet-fire radiance for the illumination of the mind and for the establishment within the soul of a greater divine resource of cosmic light-energy for the transcendence of you, O individualized son or daughter of God, in the light.

            Blaze forth the light now! Blaze forth the light now! Blaze forth the light now into the realms that have accommodated less than the Christ consciousness, the Buddhic essence and the eternal Mother Spirit. Blaze forth the light now! Blaze forth the light now! Blaze forth the light now! There is the dissolution of darkness as it has been framed within the minds and lives of some upon Earth whereby a veil of illusion has descended to cloud the God-reality of the Higher Self, the Solar Self, the true and noble divine essence of every soul.

            Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light now! Release cosmic ampoules of violet-fire frequencies into the lives of those whom we are drawing now, O Lord, into a new reality. Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light!

            Dearest hearts, I ask you who are the initiates within this movement to focus the light of violet fire through your calls and invocations for a full sixty minutes daily during your morning prayer sessions, for the duration of this year, for the consuming of that which is unreal within your Earth and your life experience so that a new world may be born within these domains of the flesh, this 3-D world in which you live and move and have your being. For it is time that the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ¹ descend into this domain, O souls of light upon Earth. And therefore it is essential that you embrace the seventh-ray action of light within your soul, O mankind.

            Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! This action may be accomplished partly through your singing, but mostly, primarily, dearest ones, through your fiery energies released through the dynamic decrees inspired upon this one and a number of you.

            Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! You see, dearest ones, you can even emulate that which I release this day and see the frequencies of the violet fire engulfing the astral plane of this Earth and consuming on contact that which is no longer required to be experienced in this domain.

            Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! You believe now that you are emanators of the Solar radiance of your Source, yes? If so, then it is time for you to be the nexus for the release of a greater cosmic quotient of sacred fire into the Earth.

         Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! And for those of you who are concerned about what your neighbors who live in proximity to you will think if they hear what you are speaking in fiats of light, you may, dearest ones, couch that fire a little bit by speaking into a pillow or in the great silence of your soul and yet still emanate the power of the Word through your sacred throat chakra. [Zadkiel says in a loud whisper:] Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light!

            You see, it is your intent, your heart fire, your mindfulness and your God-consciousness that allows the ever-loving frequencies and the energy field of the violet ray of divine joy to be experienced everywhere within your sphere of reality. [Zadkiel again says in a loud whisper:] Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light!

            There are many ways, O precious hearts, that the fire of God may be released, and yet the way of the fiat and the conscious application of the sacred fire through fohatic energies released through your throat do immediately crystallize the light of God in the domain in which you live. And we the angels of the seventh ray instantaneously go to those focal points where the energy is released through your word and bring about the miraculous manifestations of God-awareness in so many ways that you would think unbelievable. Yet believe them now, dearest ones. Accept them as a reality now and they shall be so for you and for every lightbearer upon Earth who can conceive of the new world that together we are dreaming into existence, we are Self-realizing into manifestation by the full faith and power of God manifest through our awareness, one with our Source.

            Yes, precious hearts, Amethyst is coming in just a few short weeks. And when she does and concludes that which has and will be released through the beloved archeiai of the seven rays, you shall see a new radiance shining in the atmosphere of the Earth. For she will congeal the action of the seven into an amazing array and cosmic display of the rainbow energies and frequencies of heaven manifest upon earth. Look for it; desire it; see it in your mind’s eye and it shall be so for you, O precious hearts of fire.

            I have come, and this day I invest within the soul chakra of each and every one of you who accepts my reality and accepts a new birth of Spirit within you the effulgence of an archangel, the effulgence of an archeia right where you are—in your home, in your office, in the sacred space that you inhabit upon Earth.

            Now I would tell you briefly a little story, and that is of the happiness of the beloved of this messenger, who today, just a few short minutes ago, received unto her heart an image of Joan of Arc in nature with beloved Archangel Michael and his Faith and a cherub of light in the background, hiding amidst the trees.² It is an image, dearest ones, beloved to her heart. And it may also be cherished by many of you if you choose to accept this image in some form or manner within your world, in your notebooks, in your prayer books or wherever you desire to have it physically in your life.

            Beloved Faith has told Amethyst, who has in turn told me, that she will express the essence of pure faith through this image, and her beloved Archangel Michael will extend the radiance of his electronic presence through this image as a protection for the entire environment and home or property where it is placed lovingly as a focus of light for them. In addition, dearest ones, because of a dispensation released this day, by God’s grace, the radiance of all seven of the archangels and archeiai will also manifest through this image, which will be lovingly created by an artist of light attuned to the higher frequencies beyond the veil who has sought to establish upon Earth, through his artistry, the magnificence of the archangelic manifestation of light.

            So you see, we are involved in your world more than you know. And when you listen to your higher voice or the voice of an archangel, such as Joan of Arc did, you will be amazed to see what miracle manifestations will occur for you: the precipitation of every one of your higher dreams and God-desires, the instauration within the Earth of a new world and the return to this world of heaven, tangibly, where you live. All is possible in God, dearest ones. Believe, and you, through the gift of your perception, may receive the miracle manifestation of light, light, light!

            Therefore, blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light!

            In the name of the living God, in the name I AM THAT I AM, I deliver you from all that is unreal into the purest frequency of your true God-essence, the Source of all that is beautiful, holy and divine. I thank you.

1.  Revelation 11:15
2.  The image of Joan of Arc mentioned here is by Jules Bastien-Lepage painted in 1879 and depicting Joan in her father's garden at her home hearing voices of divine revelation. The original painting is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Copyright © 2014 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.



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