You may visualize and feel your spirit as a glowing
cell within the great organ of God’s heart. Through the
combination of the higher feelings of your God Presence with the visual sense and sensations that you can
begin to know through a heart-eye connection, the
cosmic pulsations and divine emanations of Solar beings and Solar worlds may be yours.
You have the ability as a sentient spiritual being
to influence the field of activity of the electron and its
sphere of light-presence through your directed will,
attention, and focus. And within the electronic shell of
your aura, you have full dominion of all the energy
vouchsafed to you by the Divine One, of which your
life is composed. Mankind, as a whole, does not
know himself as God and thus has only accessed the
lower shells of electronic light through his feeling
world, which comes woefully short of the mark of
being wed to God’s heart. Once your heart beats in
unison with the Divine heartbeat, a whole new feeling
world of electronic-light awareness opens up to you,
and you can use this domain to energize your
alchemical experiments, your eye-magic, with the
higher formulas of divine gnosis.
— Maha Chohan, February 21, 2009