Even in the midst of your daily work, the
equipoise that you can maintain, centered in the heart
of God, will gain you much in spiritual advancement
until that time that you are fully locked into that space
of listening grace, where pure being is who you are at
all times, even in those situations that would pull on
you to descend again into the dimensions of mortal
thought and feeling.
All ascended masters have won their victory by
practicing and perfecting the science of being love in
manifestation at all costs. To be set free from the
gravitational pull of this world requires an acceleration
beyond that magnetic influence of the lesser self that
has been wed to materiality and dense desire. So stand
for truth within the microcosm and the macrocosm of
being. Command the cells and atoms of self to come
into alignment with the polestar of pure fire, wherein
there is no wobbling of the axis of those atoms due to
an identification with human nonsense; wherein each
molecule is vibrating in synchronicity in the latticework of the chrism of your God being, humming with
the music of the spheres within.
— Hilarion, March 16, 2005