Many are involved in the dynamic of dual-eyed
vision, whereby they behold good and evil from the
purview of their own human consciousness, their lesser
awareness. And then through this dynamic of duality,
from the judgment seat of the human consciousness, all
manner of negative forces degrade their own inviolate
light and bring them into a state and sense of
imperfection over and over again. To have greater
vision, even clairvoyance, it is incumbent upon you to
know greater love within your hearts. For if you could
see all, including the essence of others’ realities, and
then you were to lapse again and again into the
judgment of others, then why see it at all?
You should practice beholding perfection as a
spiritual science, as a daily affair, even though there
may be that which is untoward manifesting in the
world. As you see and as you behold life around you,
so you allow those light streams that come through the
rods and cones within your eyes to play upon your
mind, your vision center. When you consciously
choose to see perfection and the Divine within all life,
cosmic rays stream forth from the All-Seeing Eye of
God into your domain and transform you. You now
behold that perfected image in which you were created, an eternal soul wed to Spirit—God’s One Spirit
most holy.
— Cyclopea, July 23, 2015