spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

Giving Birth and Parenting

Giving Birth and Parenting

As the time approaches for the birth of my baby, I think about birth. There are many aspects to giving birth.


As a mother, giving birth means the bringing to earth of another soul, providing a body temple for their life experience and victory. Beloved Mother Mary has some words to say on this:


Giving birth, blessed hearts, is the most creative act that any human being can engage in. And although a mother knows the life that lives within her womb during the time of gestation, yet there is something especially sacred about that moment when the child emerges from within, is truly born unto the world and now has a life and a body temple separate from one’s own.[1]

And now, an image, from her own sacred experience:


Yes, I waited for the Lord to appear, even as the shepherds, the angels, the Wise Men and all life paused at his appearance. As a cosmic hush occurred, all was still to experience the first breath of the babe, Issa. And as tears of a mother’s joy of having fulfilled my purpose in that hour rolled down my face, having waited upon the Lord and waited for the Lord, I exhaled a sigh of relief even as I embraced to my bosom this sacred one.


How sweet! How precious!


If you are not in a position to give birth either due to being done with a family or being a male (or any other reason), you can still apply the ideas of birth to your own life. The Ascended Lady Master Kristine compares this experience to being a co-creator with God and shares how it can be applied to your current projects:


Whether you have been a mother or not in this life, all of you, in one incarnation or another, have moved through this experience of giving birth to life itself in the form of a being so beloved of God, a tiny child, fresh from heaven. And in that moment when that amazing, miraculous one emerged from your womb, you experienced truly what it is to be a co-creator with God. As you draw forth from this experience and allow the same feeling, the same divine essence to be yours each day in some way through your creative projects—through your givingness, through shining forth who you truly are to the world—you, dearest ones, whether in male or female body this time around, are mothering life, are exemplifying that which we simply continue to do at a higher vibratory rate and through a different relationship in the etheric planes of being, in the heaven worlds of pure joy.[2]


Beyond this, we are all giving birth to ourselves, every day. Parenting is a great catalyst for this. What else could provoke such personal change, maturity and givingness than the experience of being a parent!


As we give birth to our children, to ourselves and to a new world, let us remember that we are sacred co-creators with God!


Chime it! Did you find your child’s birth a spiritual experience? How has parenting helped you give birth to yourself?



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