spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2005, Part 3

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2005, Part 3

Ever desired to see what the masters have to say about children, without having to do the research yourself? While this series is not intended to cover every mention of children by the masters or every possible quote, I hope you’ll enjoy this substantial collection of teachings. These quotes are taken from Heartstreams and Darshans with the ascended masters, delivered through their amanuensis David Lewis.


“And little children are pure until the world corrupts them. Do not let the world corrupt them through bad music, bad movies and all that comes to take from them their purity. Pray for the youth! Pray fervently with all your heart and mind and soul and being that this generation shall not go down to darkness, but shall have the salvation of the angels.”

-Beloved Mother Mary, August 15, 2005


"Therefore if you would see a golden-age civilization come, then begin to visualize with me the immaculate world that God, through you, would create. Create your perfect visuals of cities adorned with beautiful gardens and parks instead of the concrete miasmas that have arisen in certain quarters, where there is no place for the children to play and commune with elemental life as there is here.”

-Beloved Mother Mary, October 27, 2005


“For children, whose hearts are pure, ever behold the living face of the Almighty at inner levels and until that age when their inner vision no longer gazes upon our countenance.”

-Beloved Mother Mary, October 24, 2005


“It has taken too long for even the basics of the understanding of how to draw forth from the child his true genius into the vast public school systems where they could be applied and almost instantly change the very culture of your nation and world, beloved ones. For with this understanding, all teachers would know that their job is not to simply cram information into an empty head but to give each Christ child the keys to unlock that divinity and gnosis that flows because the mind is opened and receptive to the Christ light and mind.”

-Beloved Maria Montessori, September 18, 2005


“For when the minds of the youth are healed from the concepts that they are limited to what adults have to teach them, then their true genius will flower and come forth and change the very culture that you know in this hour.”

-Beloved Maria Montessori, September 18, 2005


“We are grateful that many more among mankind are beginning to understand the true nature of the education of the heart and not simply the intellect or the brain.”

-Beloved Maria Montessori, September 18, 2005


“And therefore, many have understood how important it is to present to their children an education and a desire to serve. This is the most important thing you can pass onto your children beloved ones-a good education and a desire to serve life.”

-Beloved Mighty Victory, December 18, 2005


“You have among you embodied avatars and avataresses, beloved. As you kiss their foreheads at night before they retire to come to our abode for their ongoing training, will you see my angels surrounding you, enfolding you with the glory of the ascension flame? For if you teach what this flame is and what it means at an early age and the child is allowed to meditate upon these currents, you may just have walking unascended masters upon the earth who can instill within this culture the Golden Age consciousness that will light a fire that cannot be quenched.”

-Beloved Lady Master Clara Louise, March 25, 2005


Well, that’s all for this year. Up next in the series is 2006! For anyone doing serious research, please check out our online, free database of Heartstreams as there are yet more quotes I did not use.


Please share what quote you enjoyed reading the most!




  • This quote escaped my view at the time...but it was too good not to share: "…review those videos that you allow your youth to view wherein all manner of lower manifestations and thoughtforms are projected unto them, even creating in their subconscious these patterns, which they then naturally outpicture, do you see? because it is there within their aura. Why, we would see many more videos and books with those images of perfection from the etheric plane—of fairies and masters and devas and angels—that allow them to have a natural inclination to yearn for and become what they see." -Beloved Maryon, December 31, 2005
    5/31/2016 8:22:15 PM
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Spiritual Parenting Quotes

  • You must be the ones
  • sacred science
  • Beloved muses
  • Beloved Mother Mary - Little Children
  • Mother Mary - All Children Know
  • Beloved MM - Family of Heaven
  • Beloved MM - Holiest Place on Earth
  • Beloved MM - Eyes of a Child
  • Countenance
  • virtue
  • MM
  • JEU Bedroom
  • Herc Children
  • Herc - Children 2
  • Rex 1
  • Lanello 1
  • Rex 2
  • Goddess of Purity1
  • Theosophia 1
  • Theo 2
  • Theo 3
  • Saint Germain 1
  • Nada1
  • Nada2
  • Nada3
  • MM 1
  • MM 2
  • MM3
  • MM4
  • MM5
  • Lanello 3
  • LM Nada
  • Clara Louise

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