spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2005, Part 1

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2005, Part 1

Ever wanted to see what the masters have to say about children, without having to do the research yourself? While this series is not intended to cover every mention of children by the masters or every possible quote, I hope you’ll enjoy this substantial collection of teachings. These quotes are taken from Heartstreams and Darshans with the ascended masters, delivered through their amanuensis David Lewis.


“You should all observe children…. in observing the spontaneity and the inner fire of the child and how the child loves to learn naturally, you can become more natural yourself. Naturalness, genuineness is what children are. “

-Beloved Saint Germain Darshan, June 26, 2005


“Children learn best when they have opportunity to share, and when you ask questions, rather than mostly preaching to them. As the mother of Jesus, many times I simply asked Jesus a simple question that I knew would require him to come to an understanding of the truth that he could discern himself. The discussion started and then he would ask questions of me. And I would respond and then ask another question. This happened naturally and the flow of our understanding was one whereby I allowed him to teach me while I was also teaching, for your children will truly teach you many things if you ask the right questions of them. What a paradigm shift!”

-Beloved Mother Mary Darshan, June 26, 2005


“Parents and teachers need always to be aware that the images and patterns that they set before the child do make a lasting impression on their souls and can make or break that one's spirit in finding the purpose for their lives.”

-Beloved Rex, April 14, 2005


“So I also desire that a library of videos of the lives of the saints, truly movies that inspire, be gathered here so that your children receive weekly an understanding of the path of the saints; for they need the example of those who have laid aside the cares of the world, all the material things of the flesh, to pursue that path of oneness with God. And so as you give them this opportunity, they will naturally seek to know more of this path and hopefully put aside their desires for all those other images that have bombarded them through the media in recent years.
Allow your children to walk this path with you. Teach them. Honor them. Love them. Provide for them the ways and means whereby they can be in the world but not of it, beloved ones.”

-Beloved Mother Mary, August 7, 2005


“…the gentleness of the child is the way.  The innocence of the child is the path.  The joy of the child is the means whereby you enter into the kingdom of heaven…”

-Beloved Mother Mary, May 1, 2005


“So, become like children, my friends. Receive the child and you shall receive the Christ. Receive the light of the child and you shall receive the light of the Christ.”

-Beloved Lanello, August 12, 2005


“Seal them in holy innocence. Seal them in the protection of all the archangels and their retinue. O God, protect them from the bombardments of rock music, of a culture of death, of despair and all that assails their hearts, their minds, their very beings.”

-Beloved Lanello, August 12, 2005


 “Each child is special and precious to us. Every child is worth the life that God bestows, and so none should be shunned. None should be unwanted. None should be left in the streets to fend for themselves. But each one should truly be honored as the Christ Child. For the same light that was beating within the breast of your Jesus beats within the hearts of every child of God.”

-Beloved Lanello, August 12, 2005


Stay tuned for Part 2 for 2005!


Which teaching most touched your heart and why?




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Spiritual Parenting Quotes

  • You must be the ones
  • sacred science
  • Beloved muses
  • Beloved Mother Mary - Little Children
  • Mother Mary - All Children Know
  • Beloved MM - Family of Heaven
  • Beloved MM - Holiest Place on Earth
  • Beloved MM - Eyes of a Child
  • Countenance
  • virtue
  • MM
  • JEU Bedroom
  • Herc Children
  • Herc - Children 2
  • Rex 1
  • Lanello 1
  • Rex 2
  • Goddess of Purity1
  • Theosophia 1
  • Theo 2
  • Theo 3
  • Saint Germain 1
  • Nada1
  • Nada2
  • Nada3
  • MM 1
  • MM 2
  • MM3
  • MM4
  • MM5
  • Lanello 3
  • LM Nada
  • Clara Louise

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