spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2007, Part 2

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2007, Part 2

Today I decided to do something different with these quotes. Sometimes there’s a lot that could be quoted from the Ascended Masters. So, I will simply quote the first half of a HeartStream from 2007 which mentions the child often and then share some thoughts on it with you. Here is the excerpt from beloved Mother Mary:

            “Beloved ones, think on that time when you dwelled within the mother's womb, before you emerged as a child, and how the miracle of your growth from a single cell merged with another, allowed you to come forth and emerge as a God-conscious being. You see, even in the very essence of that single cell, all of you was unmanifest and yet in potential, vibrating as an awareness of light. And when the Alpha and the Omega principles began to form the tai chi action of light, that creative spark did begin. And the forming of the physicality around the soul-potential of who you were did begin once more within your mother's womb. And though she may not have been fully aware in that hour of your essential nature within her, yet at the very core of that seed ideation of you, drawing from the essence of both your father and mother, a new light and a new spark was manifest.
            “Oh, if mankind could only know and see with their inner sight the miracle that occurs in this process of re-creation each time there is the conception of life, then there would be no confusion as to that which is righteous regarding the guarding of that life until its full manifestation as the infant come forth through the mother.
            “I bring you back into this solar awareness such that you may understand the very first principles of creation. For you see, before you ascend back to the heart of God, the first fruits of your beingness as a spirit spark must finally come to full term within the dimension of where you live before the new you as an emergent Christ being may fully be born as an ascended one. Therefore, it is as an interplay of cosmic energies whereby there is the death of the old and the birth of the new simultaneously. And even as you are still living in the etheric plane before you come into embodiment, from that perspective, you are also dying from that world as you are born into the physical reality as a child upon this earth.
            “Thus there is the cycling of energies. For you know that matter cannot be created out of nothing, and energy vibrates and exists. Therefore, you may ask from whence did the soul stuff of you come in the beginning? If you trace this back, you will see naturally that you are of and from God. For where else could you come from but from that first cause of being, the light of the one presence of God from which all did emerge? In the very seed of God in substance you were created. And when Alpha expressed himself in the Omega dimension, then the reality in this plane of who you are began.
           “Mankind misunderstand this sacred science and process, and therefore they have come to their own conclusions of how [and when] life begins. And they say it does not fully begin in the womb because there is not the self-awareness until the child has emerged from the mother's womb. And I say, nay, this is not true because your self-conscious awareness, as a creative essence from the heart of God began even within the original conception of God, blessed ones.”

Here are some of my reflections on these words:

In the womb we were all there in potential, even at conception as that first magical cell. Spiritually speaking, we were also present as a soul. That soul in turn originated in God and that origination began as a thought of God even as our parents thought of their love at the event of our creation. In that miracle of conception, gestation and birth we die to the spirit world and are born in the physical world. Having a spiritual perspective on the origins of life can enlighten our perspective on abortion.


Over to you! What are some messages you got out of this HeartStream?



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