spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2011

The Best of the Masters’ Quotes on Children: 2011


We haven’t studied any of the ascended master’s quotes for a while. Let’s look today at my personal favorites from 2011 on the topic of ‘children.’ You can search for these yourself – or any topic  – from any time, by simply visiting our online library.


Yes, bless the children everywhere as you see them playing, frolicking in the parks and fields, in the pools and rivers and lakes. Bless them for their mission to save this Earth. Bless them through speaking with them, honoring them, inviting them in some way to share with you their experience of life from the eyes and the heart of a youth.
            As you bless them rather than condemn them, judge them or see them as less than what could be, from your own framework and paradigm, then, dearest hearts, the mothers of heaven come.

Portia, July 11th, 2011


Have any of you done this? How does it make you feel?


We see a new way of education manifesting in all domains whereby the children are honored, their inner genius is directed appropriately, and proper training and adeptship from the time conception occurs within the womb. Yes, blessed hearts, if you would have the new culture that you desire, then ensure that the holy children are protected in the coursing of their souls and their spirit-fire from the time that they arrive as a spirit-spark within the womb of their mothers. [Enusre that they are] sealed in the authenticity of the culture that honors them, that provides for them, and that gives them all that they require so that they may be who they are destined to be as God-conscious citizens of a light-planet.
Cyclopea, July 3rd, 2011


What do you see the Masters’ calling for on behalf of our youth?


There will be an age and there were ages in the past where people did not have to die. They did not have to reincarnate. They lived one life in perfection and beauty and grace their whole life. And they simply exited this plane to a higher plane when the time came for them to move on.
            This can be the norm again, however it will require the education of women and parents before they engage in their holy union to allow for this immaculate conceiving of their children with such beauty and holiness and love that they impress within the genes of the the loving intent, the holiness of the Father-Mother God because they have become instruments of the Father and the Mother in perfect balance. And then that child lovingly raised with all of the virtues of the Spirit can progress magnificently through life without a lot of the karmic dramas and move into their ascended light body when their mission is fulfilled without the passageway of death, because death is only a doorway to another reality.

David (inspired by El Morya), February 4th, 2011


How wonderful to create as God creates! It sounds like they would basically be living in the ‘etheric octaves' as the first three root races did.


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Spiritual Parenting Quotes

  • You must be the ones
  • sacred science
  • Beloved muses
  • Beloved Mother Mary - Little Children
  • Mother Mary - All Children Know
  • Beloved MM - Family of Heaven
  • Beloved MM - Holiest Place on Earth
  • Beloved MM - Eyes of a Child
  • Countenance
  • virtue
  • MM
  • JEU Bedroom
  • Herc Children
  • Herc - Children 2
  • Rex 1
  • Lanello 1
  • Rex 2
  • Goddess of Purity1
  • Theosophia 1
  • Theo 2
  • Theo 3
  • Saint Germain 1
  • Nada1
  • Nada2
  • Nada3
  • MM 1
  • MM 2
  • MM3
  • MM4
  • MM5
  • Lanello 3
  • LM Nada
  • Clara Louise

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